chapter 17: chocolate chip

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Lorelei Jones | 3rd Year

"Salut, mon amour," Enzo said when he approached Lorelei while she was slipping out of the Hufflepuff common room that night with her blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

She jumped, thinking one of the prefects had caught her and planned to yell at her for roaming the corridors so close to curfew, but she relaxed when she saw it was Enzo.

Wow, he was tall. He practically towered over her, but he had told her earlier that he was a fourth year, only one year older than her. She kind of liked that he was older than her. It somehow added to the charm.

"Hi," she breathed and then immediately mentally scolded herself for how awkward she sounded. God, why couldn't she be cool? Her roommates seemed to have no trouble relating to these new students, so what was her problem?

"Where are you going, Lorelei?" He was staring at her with a little smirk and a slightly unnerving stare. She frowned slightly. Why did his stare make her feel this way?

"To the kitchens," Lorelei said before she even processed what she was saying. She widened her eyes and avoided his gaze. This was bad. This guy was making her far too comfortable. This made her feel even more unnerved.

"Can I come?" he wondered and shoved his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

Lorelei looked awkwardly from his face and then in the direction of the kitchens. She was sure it would be fine, but the house elves might be a little freaked out at first. Some of the students scared them, they said, so Lorelei hoped Enzo wouldn't frighten them. She eventually nodded at him and moved in the direction of the kitchens with her blanket on her shoulders fluttering behind her slightly.

Once the two of them made it to the doors of the kitchen, Lorelei gave him an awkward smile and went in first. As soon as she stepped into the light of the kitchen, a number of House Elves beamed at her and a couple even quietly cheered.

"Happy birthday, Miss Lorelei!" Lookey and Wolby were both moving towards her with plates of cookies. Lookey had a tray of three chocolate chip cookies balanced on his arm while Wolby had a tray of sugar cookies balanced on hers.

"Oh, thank you! Those smell delicious! I must tell you though that I-"

Enzo stepped into the opening, and Wolby panicked and nearly dropped the tray of cookies. Since Lorelei was so close, she reflexively reached a hand out and balanced the teetering tray.

"I'm sorry for not warning you all, but I've brought a friend if that's alright. He's new here for the year. His name is Enzo," Lorelei softly said as Enzo took a couple cautious steps up beside her.

He softly waved, and Lookey flinched as if about to be hit.

Lorelei's eyes softened, and she squatted to Lookey's level. She sighed, "Oh, I'm sorry, Lookey. I didn't mean to scare you by bringing him along."

"Wolby is happy that Miss Lorelei has a friend. Miss Lorelei shouldn't be alone on her birthday," Wolby said quietly with her eyes especially round and wide.

"It's your birthday?" Enzo finally realized with a curious glance in her direction.

Lorelei shyly nodded with her cheeks heating up. God, she felt pathetic. She really needed to stop getting so flustered every time Enzo said anything to her. He was just a boy. He was just a person, nothing to worry about.

"Mm, joyeux anniversaire, Lorelei," Enzo murmured and stepped closer to her.

Lorelei took a subconscious step away from him and towards Wolby and Lookey. The two of them set the cookies down on the counter, and Lookey said, "Miss Lorelei, the elves will go into the sleeping quarters now, unless you want the elves to stay with you."

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