First Impressions

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Without any explanation he was brought to McCluskey's office by Mr Benjamin.

Mr Dutton and his son, Robert stood on the other side of the room, in front of the big window. When he walked in, they both nodded in his direction. He looks sickly, he needs feeding and fresh air, Mr Dutton thought to himself.

McCluskey sat behind his desk, as he always did, ignoring the boy's arrival and Mr Benjamin's departure, saying he would be back with the boy's things. Rip hated the man and didn't hide it.

"I am glad you are willing to give this a try, although I am not very hopeful!" he said, to the two men in the room and in front of the boy. "In the six months he has been with us he has spent more time in confinement than most of our teenagers do for their entire stay. We only use it as a last resort. He caused trouble again last night."

"What was he being punished for?" Mr Dutton asked.

"Fighting this time. He is lazy and insolent too, but mainly fighting. He just has no idea how to conduct himself around others," McCluskey answered.

"So that is what you do with a boy that doesn't know how to behave himself with others? You isolate him? Interesting approach. How is that working for you?" Mr Dutton asked, he didn't seem to like the man either.

Rip had kept his eyes to the ground until then but now briefly lifted his head up to have a look at McCluskey's face. The man was getting angry, he could tell. His lips pursed; his eyes narrowed. His neck was getting red. The boy felt a great sense of satisfaction and would have smiled had he not caught Mr Dutton look at him. His eyebrow raised in what could only be interpreted as disapproval and a warning, so he put his head back down again.

Mr Benjamin walked in with a black bin bag that was only half full. He handed it to Mr Dutton, "these are his things, he didn't come with much."

"Right" Mr Dutton said looking at the bag, and then after a pause. "We'll be off so, come on Rip."

"We will have a Social Worker do a home visit once a month to check in on his progress and to see that all is well" McCluskey said. "Just in case you need support" he added.

"Right", Mr Dutton said again, he walked towards the door and held it open and looked at the boy, who didn't move.

Rip looked at McCluskey not sure what was expected of him.

"For god's sake, get a move on. Don't leave your uncle waiting," McCluskey said impatiently.

Robert moved over to Rip and gently took him by the elbow, guiding him to the door and then the three left the institution.

Outside Jacob was leaning against the black truck. He smiled when he saw them coming down the steps towards him. He opened the back door, and Robert nudged the boy onto the back seat. He heard Jacob call, "Shotgun," and Robert got into the back of the truck with him, rolling his eyes and smiling faintly. "Like the old days, huh", he said.

As they drove off, Rip looked back at the home where he had been placed for the past six months. It was a relief to leave it behind. He was sure he hated every minute of it.

They drove for hours and the men hardly spoke. They didn't speak to the boy at all. Just once Jacob turned around and asked him if Rip was short for anything in an attempt to make small talk. "Rest in Peace, it's on every gravestone" Rip answered petulantly. Delivered without a smile this was a great line to stop a conversation from getting started every time.

But he felt satisfied for just a moment until he saw Mr Dutton disapprovingly make eye contact with him through the rear-view mirror so he turned his head to watch the landscape change.

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