Promised Talks

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"I didn't mean to upset you, sweetheart." The man said, sympathetically.

My plan was to stay as cold as possible to these men, and maybe they would leave me alone.

"Can we just get to the part where you explain why you're here?" I asked, with no hint of niceness in my tone.

"Fair enough. My names Ash-"

"Ashton." I finished.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He asked.

"You're the man who can apparently save me." I sassed.

"Who said that?" Ashton asked, as a grin began to form onto his face.

"The other doctor's that were in here earlier." I replied.

"So, you were awake!" He chuckled as he spoke.

"Can we just focus?"

"Why were you pretending to be asleep?" Ashton asked, as he pulled out a small laptop from the bag he  had also brought in.

"That's not fo-"

"There's a reason that I'm asking, I promise." He replied, before I could even finish my statement.

"That's not your business." Honestly, Ashton seemed nice enough. Which made me feel slightly bad for being such a bitch to him, but I knew that he was prying. That meant he was probably working in some kind of psychology department and I didn't need that, I'm not crazy.

"I'm going to level with you, so hear me out." He spoke, seeming very serious. "You can either talk to me about what's going on, or you can get discharged out of here, and taken to the next jail cell." He finished, relaxing into his seat, while waiting for my answer.

I shifted uncomfortably as I contemplated my options. No part of me wanted to be in jail, but at the same time I didn't want to talk to these people either.

"I just didn't feel like talking." I said, in a slightly defeated voice.

"I understand that." Ashton said, with a soft smile on his face, "do you think you'll be ready to talk in an hour?"

I cringed at the thought.

"I promise that we can take it slow, I won't launch you into any heavy topics Alice. I'm only trying to help." He spoke, his face fully serious.

"Then we have a deal." I gave in. He smiled lightly and exited the room.

All that was left, was making an escape plan.

I wasn't going to jail, and no way in hell was I going to give in and speak to Ashton the apparent shrink.

That didn't leave me with much time, I had one hour to make my grand plan.

My first order of business was figuring out how to disconnect myself from the damn handcuff that was chaining my wrist to the bed pole.

I struggled for a while, as I tried twisting and pulling my arm out to no avail. I audibly huffed as I ran out of hope, fighting the tears that were building up. That was until I remembered that I had done my hair today.

Using my free hand I slipped one of the bobby pins out of my hair and molded it into a straight metal tool. I fiddled with the cuffs lock as I forced the end of the pin into the slot and moved it around until I heard the click and my wrist was set free.


With that I stood up as quietly as possible and jammed the door as best as I could, so that no one could sneak in.

The last thing I needed was for any alarms to start going off, alerting the staff that I had taken my monitors and Iv off and them busting down the door.

I fiddled with the machines as quickly as I could, while I tried to make sense of all the buttons.

I finished successfully, with no alarms having been tripped. I breathed a sigh of relief and shifted my focus. I needed to find inconspicuous clothes, if I try to slip out of a hospital in a gown, things won't go well.

I glanced around, hoping to find my own clothes, or anything substitutable.

I opened the cabinet that was beside the door, and found a small plastic bag that had the outfit I had arrived in originally and I silently cheered. I stripped off the gown, and flung on my clothes as fast as possible.

I turned back to the bag, and placed the hospital gown inside of it, before setting it back in the cabinet.

I turned on my heels and tiptoed my way to the door, before peering out of the bottom.

The coast was clear.

I unjammed the door, and exited the room closing it behind me in order to hopefully by time, before they would notice I was gone.

I followed the signs for the exit through the hospital, until I saw a sign for lobby.

As much as I wanted to make a run for it to the door right then, I knew it would draw attention to me.

Instead, I took another deep breath, and faked a calm expression on my way into the lobby.

No one payed much attention to me, so slipping to the sliding doors was simple. They swung open, and I prepared myself to run as soon as I stepped outside.

"Hey, you!" A deep voice boomed from behind me.

I flinched and turned the mans direction, with my flight or flight enabled.

"Don't go any further. You're under arrest."

Tears sprung into my eyes, as the cop who had spotted me approached with what appeared to be a taser. He had me cornered now between the security guard outside and him.

I had no where to run.

I sunk down to the ground and formed into a ball, hoping it would protect me.

"HEY!" I heard someone yell. "Step away from her." The man commanded.

"Under what authority are you ordering me?" The officer, that had come too close for comfort asked, angrily.

I peered up and saw Ashton.

He walked over and in front of the cop, shielding me from him.

"Under the authority of Chief Psychiatrist and Child Specialist at this very hospital, not to mention I'm the head of the board for the Reynold hospital programs.. nationally." He spoke, blowing the other man out of the water.

This man is a heaven sent.

"Mrs. Landry is currently under my care, last I checked, and is labeled as a psych patient." He said turning to me.

"Want some help up?" He offered, with a warm smile.

I grabbed the hand that he held out to me, as much as I had resented his help, I would take it over the buff cop that almost tazed me.

He placed his hand on my back and guided me back through the lobby doors, and toward the place I had just fled from. However, when we passed my previous room I became concerned.

"Please tell me you're not putting me in some kind of padded room or something." I spoke, looking to him as we walked.

He quirked a smile as he glanced in my direction. "Oh? But that was my plan." he said.

I shook my head and looked back down, nervous.

He nudged me slightly to get my attention once again.

"We're going to have that talk, I was promised." He said, "since I know you're so excited for it."

I laughed lightly at his attempt to cheer me up.

Maybe talking would be good.

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