Chapter 26 - The Seed

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Carly's POV

Before we flew here, it was morning in Germany. Now we arrived here after 8 hours of flight, New York was still in the morning. It felt as if we lived an extra time. We took a few hours of rest.

"Are we going now?" I asked.

"Yep, she arrived, follow me," Flare replied.

"Who are we meeting?" Francis asked.

"You will know soon," Flare answered.

'What's with the mysterious act.' I wondered.

The sun was rising high up in the sky. We walked across the street and reached a bakery. The aroma of bread tempted my taste bud. Flare led us in. 'Are we going to have lunch here?' Although it wasn't like I need to.

"Welcome to the bakery!" welcomed by the shop owner. At first glance, I could tell she wasn't a human. I could feel her strong 'mana', she was a witch. "Pick any bread you'd like, you can enjoy it in the room, I'll attend to you later," she said, and got busy with other customers.

Flare spoke, "think of this as a gift and as for your lunch." I nodded and chose some bread that I like, Francis did the same. We then proceeded to the room and waited. "MMmmm~" I ate the bread in pure bliss. "They have such good bread," I mumbled while eating.

When I was finishing my last piece of bread, the shop owner came into the room. "Forgive me for being late, I'm Laura, a witch. I excelled in making potions and medicines. I'm here to let you know about our experiment results," the shop owner said.

"I heard from the news something happened, and from what Flare said, it seemed to be a serious issue," I said.

"It is quite serious in fact. We had some of our witches, demons, vampires make contact with them. It turned out that, they were equally strong with us. Initially, we were able to defeat them and turned them back into humans with no superpower. Over time, they seemed to 'evolve' and became competitive against our kind. I'm afraid they would one day become stronger than us and we would not be able to contain them," Laura explained.

"They weren't themselves when they had the powers. They seemed possessed when they were using their powers. They could be hiding among humans without warning. When they were defeated, they prayed to 'God' or talked about angels reviving them. Some even said about the angels gave them a job that is to exterminate the evil in this world," Laura added.

'What a ton of bullshit,' I thought.

"We witches came out from hiding and started to interfere with humans' life due to this matter. I was one of the examples, I opened this bakery to spy on the activities of humans with superpowers. There are other witches spying in different areas in the humans world," Laura said.

"What about Kelvin?" I asked. I seemed to have abandoned my past, or rather, forgotten about the people who saved me and helped me. I ran away from my past, escaping my pain. I abandoned the people who cared for me. No, I hadn't, I had gotten stronger within a month. "What about Lucas? Harmastes? Shawn? Are they doing well?" I asked, concerned. I should visit them as soon as all of these are over.

"No need to worry. They are doing just fine, preparing for the war. Kelvin and Spectre were working together, they planned on protecting humans from the ones who use superpowers to kill innocents," Laura replied.

"BAM!" A loud noise was heard, throwing everyone off-guard. The ground shook and had some cracks. "What's that?" I asked and stood up. "Seemed like they made a move. We should head over to the scene as soon as possible," Laura said and stood up, leading us.

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