Cafe and Butt

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Lili Reinhart as Ashley. Enjoy♥️


Yup, I screwed up. I screwed up big time. I should have talked to him or just ignored him completely but I should never have punched him. That was wrong of me. Even I knew that. I was just walking by the hallway with my friends when we saw Carter grabbing Leah to some place. We didn't mean to bother them until we heard Leah's voice, something like Carter using her. She ran away from him but Mia caught her and hugged her. She told us everything and I guess that's when I lost it. I didn't appreciate what Carter did but it was never my place to say anything to him. When I made my way to the Principal's office, my friends gave me a sympathetic look.

Both Carter and I got a day's suspension and even though my mother is chill about most of the things I do, I don't think she will support me on this, I thought. I knew I was right when I saw my mom standing on the door waiting for me, her hands on her waist.

"I got a call from your principal." She said.
"Yeah. I messed up."
"What did Carter do?"
"He screwed Leah, a girl in our school and she was crying."
"Do you think you should have punched him?" I thought about it for a while. He messed up but still, I went a bit overboard this time. I honestly have no clue what happened. I have been so stressed about breaking up with Taylor and I have no idea why I snapped when I saw Carter with Leah. I weakly shook my head. I was looking down when I heard her sigh.
"At least you know where you were wrong. You will cook dinner this week as punishment." She said. I looked up and smiled at her. It wasn't a huge punishment because this is the first time I got into this much trouble. When I was halfway up, I heard my mom.

"You have to apologize to Carter, of course." She said and I groaned. I heard her chuckle. I went upstairs and took a quick shower. I changed into black jeans and a v-neck red t-shirt all while thinking what will I say to him. As soon as I saw blood oozing out of his nose, my emotions changed from anger to guilt. I could see he was in a lot of pain. That was when a pain shot from my right knuckle to my whole body. I looked at my hand and saw bruises forming on them. That knocked me out of my thoughts and I wrapped a bandage around my right knuckle. It will be okay after a while, I thought.

Self note: ALWAYS think before acting.

I texted my girlfriends if they knew Carter's address. I can't possibly do this on the phone. I mean, what kind of a person would apologize over the phone for something like that. I had to meet him. Ashley said she will ask Noah. I raised my eyebrow at her text. When did she and Noah exchanged number? Damn, sounds like a juicy gossip but Ashley is my friend and well, she will let me know when she feels like it. 

While waiting for her reply, I almost wrote a script on how I am going to apologize. He seemed chill when we first talked and honestly speaking I didn't think he would treat a girl like that. I heard about his past flings in his previous school. Call me a bad judge of character, but when I met him, I didn't get an asshole vibe from him. I thought he was the kind of person who would only sleep with a girl if he had feelings for her. Sure he would flirt a little but that would just be innocent and playful, not to get into a girl's pants. I cringed at that thought.

As soon as I got his address, I told my mom I am going to meet him and went out. Through the whole ride, I kept thinking why I lost it. I know I have the ability to stand up for myself but that doesn't mean I go around hitting people. When he said he doesn't care about Leah, something inside me snapped. I didn't even think it was Carter's fault in the first place. I was already upset about something else and I took all my emotions out on him.

When I reached the address, I gaped at the sight of his house. I didn't know he was rich but that word wasn't enough to suffice the mansion that stood in front of me. It was painted in white with plants that hung to the side. He had a proper garden in front and I saw two people working on the plants, one was trimming a hedge and the other was cleaning out dried old leaves. He even had a pool beside the garden. Who has a pool in their house!? I went inside the gate and stood in front of the door to his house fiddling with my thumb. I was sort of nervous but I couldn't think of a single reason why. I just had to apologize, listen to whatever crap he shouts at me, know when he crossed the line and leave. I texted him saying I was outside and waited by the garden. It took him ten minutes to come out and I stared at him for way too long than I should have.

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