𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷

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A ear-piercing static noise came out from the radio as Dixie climbed up to place the antenna, trying to get a signal from a nearby radio station.

It took a while of flailing it around before the finally caught a stable signal.

Dixie rushed down to Meeks and Pitts who where Turing up the volume and ready to dance, "Radio free America."

The three of them danced their heart out, Pitts taking Dixie's hand and spinning her a few times before she danced over to Meeks who happily took her by the hand and place a arm on her hip.

They danced to the beat and Meeks even finished off with a dip.

It was the happiest Dixie had been in a while.

She was walking of sunshine. She danced with the boy she mooning over these past few months.

She was completely head over heels for this boy.

He was nerdy, a little geeky , a smart ass but most importantly he was one of the sweetest people Dixie knew. He was adorable when flustered and she hated the influence he had on her.

Yet she loved it all at the same time.

She never knew a person could feel this deeply for someone. Feel so many emotions at once. It was beautiful and she never wanted it to end.


It's been almost 4 hours , Luna and Todd were still, to Luna's dismay, working on that stupid poem.

The door flew opened with Neil's beaming smile instantly lighting up the dampened mood.

Luna smiled at Todd and slowly stood up, "Well I'll take that as my cue to leave, it was good working with yah Todd."

Todd looked at her with confused eyes , before Luna walked out, she gave him a look that made him fluster up.

Todd's eyes widened , Luna knew.

Of course she knew.

Todd mentally groaned , he shouldn't have let all his feelings and emotions spill onto that page.


Luna walked down the hall to her dorm, to see Juno sitting their, her book opened but clearly uninterested.

"What's on your mind Ju?"

Juno shook her head, unable to comprehend that she just asked Charlie out on a date.

"Boys are so confusing. One moment they're like animals but yet the next moment it's like they came out of a Disney movie."

Luna smiled, she has never seen Juno this annoyed in her life.

Juno had a permanent scowl and a resting bitch face.

Juno was what Luna liked to call 'a free agent' , never really settled for anyone but didn't go for just anyone.

She would still date people she liked but it was always more of infatuation or it would just never really work out.

Dion soon burst in , "Knox is being a real creep and kind of a pain in my ass. I can't believe I'm saying this but i kinda miss going to Midtown."

Luna rolled her eyes , "You've got boy trouble too Dion?"

It was like was hearing the unbelievable.

The other three knew Dion was a lesbian.

Dion never explicitly told them but her hour long ramblings of how beautiful Chris looked that day when they went to the beach and her rendezvous with her neighbour Rachel Hargrove weren't really kept as secret as she thought they were.

"Not exactly boy trouble but Knox is just being a little creepy towards Chris and I feel worried for the both of them."

Dixie soon walked in, her pupils were practically heart shaped.

"I swear Cupid has got me in a chokehold."

Dixie flopped beside Luna with the brightest smile they have seen come out from her in a while.

"What exactly happened on that rooftop Juliet?" Dion chuckled, greatly amused to see her best friend look like a love sick puppy.

Dixie explained how she felt when they were dancing, giggling in between sentences as the moment replayed in her head a millionth time like it was straight out of a movie.

Juno rolled her eyes , despite her being happy that her friend was having better luck in the romance department than she was, all that talk about love made Juno incredibly sour.

Dion noticed her friends demeanour and tried to quickly change the subject.

"Oh come on, we are four independent , self reliant women who have connections 70% of these boys can only dream of. Why are sitting here talking about boys? We should do something fun. Like we used to."

She knew giving Juno the option of causing chaos would keep her mind off whatever was eating away at her at least for awhile.

"Alright then. Fill up your balloon with whatever substance of your choice ladies. Because today we reek havoc."

[A/N Thank you for helping me reach 1k !! pls remember to comment or vote!]

REEK HAVOC-DEAD POETS SOCIETY Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora