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"𝖬𝖺𝗅𝖿𝗈𝗒 𝗆𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗋. 𝗊𝗎𝗂𝖼𝗄."


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IT WAS NOW AUGUST 27TH. Alexandria hadn't eaten for days, not trusting any of the food they tried giving her or drank any water. There were many failed attempts of them trying to give her the potion, but so far— they failed.

She sighed and laid down on the bed, fidgeting with her bracelet.

Looking down at it, her eyes teared up— probably for the first time ever.

"You're not forgiving me?" asked Tom.

"Of course not. I have school in a few days and you weren't home at all."

"Not even if I told you that I brought something for you?"

She became quiet, still glaring at him, but this time in suspicion.

Tom pulled out a box under his coat as he sat down on the edge of her bed. "Happy Yule."

"I didn't want a gift. I just wanted to spend some time with you." She mumbled.

Gosh, she missed them. She missed her dagger lessons with Dolohov. She missed playing chess with Rabastan and Barty. She missed flying around the manor with Sirius— Remus shouting about how she'd fall. She missed going shopping with Narcissa and Bellatrix. She missed watching Rodolphus and Mulciber fight. Heck, she even missed torturing Pettigrew.

But most of all: she missed her father.

She missed how he'd kiss her forehead every night and tuck her in— no matter if she was 3 years old or 13.

She missed how she'd force him to go shopping or something he'd hate, but she knew deep down that he actually loved it.

"Harry, give this to her," said Lily, giving her son a glass of water.

"She's definitely thirsty." nodded James with a sigh.

Harry suspiciously looked at the glass of water in his hands. "Why won't you give it to her yourself?"

"She doesn't trust us."

"And you think she'll trust me?"

"Yes. You are her brother, after all."

Harry nodded at his mother's words and walked away.

The door opening caught her attention, making her immediately wipe her tears.

"Hi," whispered Harry, walking in. "I figured you were thirsty."

Alexandria gave him a small smile, taking the glass. "Thanks." She sighed and put it on her bedside table. "What are you doing here?"

"Mum and dad are going to sleep in a few minutes and I wanted to talk to you."

"Right. Why, again?"

"Because I am the big brother. I'm sorry I wasn't better at it until now," he rubbed his face anxiously. "I want to get to know you, Alexandria."

"Get to know me?" She leaned back on the bed, watching as he sat down on a nearby chair. "Alright. I kill for fun."

Harry tried not letting his shock show. "I sort of meant what your favorite color is, but I guess that works too."

Alexandria let out a small laugh. "I've never had time for such useless things. Favorite colors? No. I don't favorite anything over anything else. I prefer them. Like how I prefer dark green over black, but there are times I prefer black over dark green."

"You've never been soft, have you?" He shook his head with pity.

Her smile vanished. "I've never had a chance to be soft, nor have I ever wanted to be. I was always bloody knuckles and daggers. I wanted people to be afraid of me."

"Afraid of you or afraid of hurting you?" Harry asked knowingly.

"..Both?" She asked back with uncertainty. "Harry, do you trust me?"

Harry nodded after a few minutes of tense silence. "Your heart is scarred from murder.. yet I trust it completely."

"So, you must know that I'm not lying if I tell you that the dark side's much better than the so-called-light. Harry, he saved me," her smile returned, but her eyes started tearing up. "That's why I need your help. Let me go, please. Please let me go. Please."

He frowned further and further in shock. "I— I can't—"

"Yes, you can—"

"He'll kill them!" Harry finally blurted out. "Voldemort will kill my parents if he knew what they did to you! And as much as I'm having second thoughts about them.. I don't want them to die, Alexandria."

Her face fell, but she nodded. Reaching over to the glass of water, she took a sip and put it back down. "I get that. I don't want my father to die, regardless of what kind of person others believe him to be. I don't blame you, Harry."

"You don't?" He looked hopeful.

"No. You didn't want this. You didn't want to be apart of some stupid prophecy—" she suddenly stopped and started coughing uncontrollably.

"Alexandria?" Harry asked in shock as he stood up, rushing over to her.

His eyes widened when she coughed up blood, which wouldn't stop. "I'll get mum—"

"No.." She choked out. "Don't.. not them.."

He nodded, gulping at the amount of blood. "Okay. I—" his eyes stopped on the window. "I've got it."

Alexandria felt faint. The world was starting to blur, and she couldn't stop coughing. She didn't even notice Harry finally breaking open the window— being able to do so because the charms only blocked Alexandria— and picking her up bridal style.

"—it'll be okay. Just hold on, alright?" whispered Harry, running across the street with the girl in his arms.

A few minutes later, the knight bus showed up.

"Welcome to the knight bus, my name's Stan Shunpike and— is she alright?!" asked Shunpike, eyes widening. "Come in, quick!"

Harry rushed inside. "Slytherin Manor. Quick!"

"Can't, boy. Those types of manors have too much wards around them. Anywhere else?"

"Malfoy Manor." said Harry, frowning when she fainted in his arms. "And quick."

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