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Aiyana Valentino

After an excruciatingly agonizing drive that lasted for about an hour, but felt like it dragged on forever, we finally made it to what resembled an airport, well a private one for the lack of bustling crowds for that matter.

I take a look at the runways that stretched on and for acres beyond acres of empty lands, the hugeness of the place and it's emptiness caused my guts to twist in looming creepiness and anxiousness.

I felt as though, given any random second, a sweeping army of weaponized enemy mafia will jump out at us and blast a bullet through my skull and that'll be it.

I refused to give in to the thoughts that this is how I'll meet my end. Amren is taking long strides towards a private jet that is ready to board on command at any minute now considering the few workers hustling around, making sure it was in proper condition to do so.

I struggle to keep up with him in my dress and high heels that are not doing a great job at adding to my decreasing speed or providing comfort for my feet, by the way.

I can feel the frustration radiating off of him in waves to no end, agitated by my slower pace, he snaps "Can you walk any slower?"

"Try walking in 6 inch heels and a dress and maybe you'll know" I snap back at him, rolling my eyes in the process, an automatic pout forms on lips.

He keeps quiet as he turns and scoops me in his arms, as if I weighed a feather and continued striding unbothered to the jet.

I kept my mouth shut, despite my surprise, not in the mood for bickering with him. His muscles flexed under my touch, and he was steel as a wall of bricks.

I clung to his suit jacket, my head resting in the crook of his neck, getting a whiff of cologne that dizzied my head.

I shake the thought off, it must be the lack of food and sleep, or the excessive fatigue finally catching up with my tiresome consumed body.

Once we're inside the jet, he places me in one of the seats and plops down opposite to mine.

Taking off his suit jacket, he lays it at the empty chair next to him and proceeds to stand up, pouring himself a much needed glass of Scotch.

He gulps it down in one go, as if it were air and not liquor. He raises his eyebrow at me, asking if I needed some. I nod my head confirming a positive response, after this mess of a day I believe a glass of Scotch could cause more good than harm at relaxing my tense muscles and calming my nerves.

We sip each on our glasses, him on his phone while I looked out the window to the sight of fluffy clouds, it wasn't long before I set my finished glass onto the table and my eyes drooped and closed on their own accord, drifting off to much needed sleep.

Waking up, I slowly open my eyes, hands stretching from the uncomfortable position I've been cramped in for the last couple of hours I assume, hence the night sky sparkling from the window.

I take notice to the black suit jacket draped over me ever so securely and I know whose it immediately, it even has his distinct cologne, though he's nowhere to be found.

I hear shuffling and a few moments later, he steps out of a small compartment, what I assumed to be the bathroom and made his way back into the seat.

"You're awake, good. We're landing soon" He lets me know and I nod, but then a question rises at the back of my head.

"Where are we?" I ask him, the night view not being much of assistance to identify the country we're in, besides all cities looked the same from above. Buildings, skyscrapers, streets and lampposts that shed light onto the otherwise darkness induced streets, popping out from the distance.

"We're in Germany, to be more exact, my safe house in Hamburg" He answers and my eyes double in size.

We're in Germany ?

He owns a safe house here? More importantly, he trusted me enough to disclose the location without any hesitation?

My heart swells at the warm thought, even though it doesn't last long as the jet finally lands. Once we step out, I'm met by cold wind whipping out my hair tousling it in every direction. Plus, though the runways were swept and cleared for obvious reasons, I notice white sheets of snow blanketing the surrounding areas, giving a majestic feeling to the atmosphere in the relevantly quiet nighttime.

The huge land is void of anything besides the jet we just landed in, and a sleek black beast car that silently awaited us in the middle of the runway, only hanging a couple of meters away.

We silently strap in to be met with a driver, too buff, so I'm assuming a bodyguard is within his job description, and while the temperature was leaning towards single digits, the air sizzled with silence and quietness that hung around limply in the closed confines of the leather seated car.



More to come. Xoxo 💋

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