Chapter 1

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The guy stared at me for sometime before shaking his head

The class again gasped

What's with them?

I sat beside him and the session started

After a while the teacher I came to know her name is Susan said to get to know the person sitting beside us until the session ends because we're gonna summarize the part we took today with them over the weekend

"So hi I'm Riley Stewart I'm new here new in the state too" I introduced looking at him

Did I mention he was extremely handsome?

He nodded but kept quiet so I asked him "what's your name?"

He kept quiet just staring at me for a while before answering "Xavier king" his voice was cold but God was it sexy

Did I also mention that literally the whole class was glancing at our table from time to time

What's with these people?

"So how long have you been attending this school?" He was really quiet so I always had to ask what i find really weird is that I'm not shying away like I always do when talking to new people

"Since it opened"  he looked behind me and glared I turned to find the class staring at us but when he glared they stopped

"Do you have any siblings?" I again asked

He nodded "a little sister named Jasmine"

"How old is she?"


"How old are you?"

"18" he answered then again looked behind me

He took a deep breath "I swear to God look here one more time and you won't have eyes to look with anymore" he said alittle loudly to the people who were looking at us which are the whole class

Oh is he like the bad boy here? but he looks more like the quiet boy but they are scared of him so he's probably the bad boy, but he's nice to me! whatever even if he's the bad boy I'll still talk to him

Riley snap out of it

The class stopped looking and he returned to me "where are you from?" He asked, ohhh he's the one that asked me! He's starting to get comfortable!

"New York"

"Why did you move here?"

It's okay I'll tell him
"My parents died in a plane crash 2 months ago and my aunt offered to take me in so now I live with her and my cousin Layla she's in the school too" I sighed sadly

He looked at me for sometime with his eyes narrowed then talked "my parents are divorced apparently they find their work more important than anything else , both of them are lawyers and since both of them are from the best lawyers they stand infront of eachother in court alot and they find defeating eachother more important than their children. I took my sister as soon as I turned 18 and decided to live alone they still send money but they don't even care to see their 5 year old daughter. So lucky you atleast you don't have shitty parents that don't give shit about you" aww he's so sweet he's trying to make me feel better by in his own weird way

We talked until the bell rung we are alot more comfortable around eachother now

We took our bags and continued talking when we were In the hallway

"Oh cmon you blame the poor girl for wanting to do a tea party" I said laughing

"She cut one of my shirts to make it a coaster of course I do" he rolled his eyes but laughed too

"Hey Xavier" I turned to see a gorgeous girl walking towards us

He smiled at her and I felt something weird


"How was art with Mrs Catherine April?" He asked her when she reached us

"I-" he cut her off

"You failed right?" He laughed

"No I didn't"

"You did"

"Did not"

"Did too" she sighed frustrated and hit his chest a few times while he laughed

Is she his girlfriend?

The Jealousy increased at the thought
"Umm I have to go" I said and started walking

Xavier called me a few times but I ignored him

I arrived at my locker and found Emily and Luke talking Layla when she noticed me she hushed them "I never knew you were that powerful to make the Xavier king talk to you" she said


"Xavier has this rule 'don't talk to me unless you wanna die' rule but you talked to him!" She exclaimed

"Umm okay and?"

She turned to Luke and Emily "she's stupid isn't she?" They nodded

"Anyway let's go to class"

I had chemistry and so did Layla so went together

Any thoughts?

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