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Friends don't look at friends that way

The serenity of her slumber ceased to an end when the girl became aware of the distorted sound of faint chattering and the lack of light which casted across the room due to the darkness painted across the evening sky

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The serenity of her slumber ceased to an end when the girl became aware of the distorted sound of faint chattering and the lack of light which casted across the room due to the darkness painted across the evening sky.

Yeonhee was slightly disoriented and confused, blinking open her tired eyes to realise she was alone in the room. The girl had been lifted properly onto the bed with the soft pillow under her head and a thin navy blue blanket pulled over her.

Did I really fall asleep, Yeonhee what the hell?

The girl sat up on the bed, glancing at the time on her phone- noticing it had been a good two hours as it was nearing 9:30 pm and Yeonhee flattened out her hair habitually with tiresome sigh.
She shoved her face into her hands, still feeling drowsy on sleep and nearly didn't notice the door opening.

As he walked into the room noticing her awake, he flicked on the light switch as the sudden infiltration of the bright lights flooded the room.

"Oh yo, you're awake?"
"I can't believe I fell asleep." She muttered, shaking her head in disbelief then looking up to see him holding a bowl of fruit as he ate another strawberry while drawing the curtains shut.
"Nah it's cool, you want some?" He held it out to her as she peered over into it and opting for a little cube of melon.

"Surprised you don't have watermelon here." She joked and he pouted with a nod looking down at the bowl.
"There's none left actually, I would have. What's your favourite fruit?" He inquired, beginning to chew on the next slice of fruit, his cheeks accentuating from the action.

There was a dip in front of her due to her positioning of sitting up right on the bed, him sitting on the edge.
"Honestly I like all fruits but probably mangoes can't lie." She nodded with satisfaction of her final answer.

"Mangoes." He repeated, mimicking her accent under his breath to which she narrowed her eyes at.
"Shut up, leave my accent alone." She huffed, shaking her head disapprovingly.

"Sorry dude but your accent is just really..." he trailed off trying to think of an answer to suit his thoughts. "British."
"Wow really?" She gasped feigning shock. "Mark that's crazy!" Exclaiming through her sarcasm as he pursed his lips together.

"Yo man, I couldn't think of the word. Hold up, hold up- this strawberry looks really weird."
"It can't be more weird than you."
"I'm not that weird." He muttered, squinting his eyes at the piece of fruit as Yeonhee watched him slightly dazed from her nap.
"I'm joking don't cry Markie." She spoke sleepily.

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