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A windy Tuesday afternoon

It's the first official day of classes at Welton Academy. There is a sort of general hubbub around the dining room as people excitedly share schedules over the sound of plates clacking and silverware tinkling. No one will admit it, but everyone is nervous.

A tall boy with broad shoulders enters in late, but nobody seems to notice much. His tie is loosened around his neck and he walks with a swagger that only heightens the aura of carefree surrounding him. He drops without hesitation into an empty seat. He smirks around at the other boys there, waiting for them to ask him. Slowly one by one, they catch his eye and furrow their brows in confusion. 

"What's that look for Charlie?" The boy directly across from the one called Charlie speaks first, brushing his dark brown hair from his eyes. Charlie raises his eyebrows, feigning surprise. 

"What look?" He counters. "I haven't got a look"

"Yes, you do. You know something. Something we don't" The other one replies, resting his fork on his plate and crossing his arms. The corner of his mouth twitched in amusement.

Charlie opens his mouth to answer but is interrupted by the bespectacled ginger to his right. "He's waiting for you to ask him about it, Neil, can't you tell?" The boy muttered, giving Neil a look. 

"Fine then I won't tell you," Charlie said, sticking his nose in the air. A groan arises from the group. "Alright, alright. Well, I heard a rumour this morning"

"Yeah? What about?" Interrupted the other ginger at the table. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Charlie shot back, his tone coarse. "Now, let me finish. I heard a rumour...." he paused again letting the suspense cause everyone to lean in closer. He relished the attention they were giving him now. "There's a girl coming to Welton" he finished in a dramatic stage whisper. 

The group was silent for a moment. A few burst into chuckles. "Liar" Meeks muttered. "Pulling our leg" The tallest of the group, called Pitts, added. They shook their heads bemusedly at each other. 

"I am not lying!" Charlie said defensively. "I was sneaking my progress report from Nolan's office and I heard him on the phone! She's transferring today, everything's arranged" He explained. The confidence Pitts and Meeks seemed to have started to fade. 

"Really?" Neil said, looking surprised. "I wonder why she's coming here? Does that mean she wants to go to college? Strange, to think about. A girl, in the Ivy Leagues. What do you think Todd?" His voice seemed enthusiastic as he turned to the anxious-looking boy on his right. 

Todd only shrugged. "Cool...yeah..." he mumbled. 

"That's not the point!" Charlie said, frustrated the rest of the group wasn't understanding the vast importance of the news he had brought. "Were you not listening? There's going to be a girl at Welton! We are going to have classes with her, see her in the halls. Live with her!" He said loudly. "She'd better be pretty..." He mumbled. The boy on his left rolled his eyes. "Pretty isn't what matte-"

"Shut it, Knox" Charlie interrupted shaking his head. Over the conversation, the bell rang loudly. "You'll see. This is the best thing that's ever happened to this school. Just you wait" He said, and was the first to get up and leave the table, abandoning his half-eaten eggs and toast for Meeks to clean up as they left the table. 

"Where are you all going?" Pitts asked as they took care of their messes and filed out towards the door. 

"Chem" Answered Meeks.

"Latin," Neil and Knox said dully.

"Calculus," Cameron said. 

"Well, I think we all have English together..." Pitts said. "So, I'll see you all then. Tell me if you have the new girl in your classes" Everyone nodded, and set off in different directions as they entered the hall.

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