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"You know I'm not going to stop until you tell me what's going on," Ava persists, her frustration evident in her pinched expression and bouncing knees as we follow closely behind Griffin's truck on our way up the Spur to the Ranch.

Leaving the Treehouse behind stirs up mixed emotions. I know one day I'll be back. For now, Alexei will probably keep me close, at least until we've had children. Then maybe he will relax the leash a little to allow me time to visit on my own.

I've made up my mind to keep this side of my life - especially my family ties - hidden from Alexei, at least for now. I don't want the community poking their noses into our business.

I even had doubts about bringing Isla home with me. But as long as Alexei doesn't know her true identity, I think it's best to get her out of the Spur and into the city.

"I'm worried about you. You keep promising to tell me what's going on, but still, we know nothing."

"Ava, there's nothing you need to worry about. I have it under control?" I attempt to reassure her, feeling the weight of her scrutiny.

"That's bullshit, and you know it. You forget my mate and I are linked, and I know. Erin, I know that there's more you aren't telling me," Ava insists, her voice tinged with sympathy but also impatience. "Who were you promised to?"

For the past five minutes, Ava has been pressing me for details about the contract. I know she's aware of my father arrangement. What she doesn't know is the full extent—he essentially sold me to protect them.

Blinking rapidly, I clench my teeth, attempting to suppress the surge of rejection and abandonment that washes over me. It's agonizing to realize that I was handed over to the Mikhailov family while Isla was kept hidden. It's not her fault, and considering all she's been through, I refuse to let my pain become hers.

Turning towards me and placing a warm hand on my free one, she gives it a gentle squeeze. "Will I get to meet him? Or better yet, have I?"

Her question and her sudden change in tactic catch me off guard, leaving me with no time to deflect or mask my reaction.

"I've met him, haven't I?"

"Ava!" I groan, feeling the weight of her penetrating gaze.


Ava watches me closely, her body suddenly stilling and her large eyes widening. "It was him all those times, wasn't it?"

"Him? What?" I respond, feeling increasingly perplexed.

"All those phone calls, the meetings, the dates. It was him the whole time?" Ava inclines her head to the left, her dark eyes unnervingly starting to glow amber. "Who is he, Erin?" Her question comes out as a command, and I'm taken aback by the compulsion to answer.

Gripping the wheel tighter, I attempt to control my words, but Alexei's name tumbles from my lips before I can stop myself. The bitch compelled me!

"What the Fuck, Ava," I growl, anger dwelling deep in my core, "what did you just do?"

Jolting, a look of surprise crosses her features before being quickly replaced by guilt. Ava gasps, her hand that was previously resting on mine moving to cover her mouth, "I did it again, didn't I?"

"Forced me to talk? What the double Fuck?" I glare at her, navigating through the gates and down the long drive to the manor.

"I am so sorry, babe, I. Oh, God! I, shit! Griffin said that it would increase over time, but I had no idea I could do that without intent."

"Wanna give me a little more info on that? I have no idea what the Hell you are talking about?"

Biting her bottom lip, Ava shrugs, "It's the Alpha female thing. Apparently, I can be persuasive at times and get people to do things. You know?"

THE CONTRACT (The Chosen Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now