20 | Calming the Man

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How's your day going?

Beverly smiled at Griffin's text, letting her fingers fly over her phone and firing back a reply:

Not too bad—attempting to study, right now. You?

Griffin's response was just as quick. Attempting to work, but it's quiet, so I'm bored.

You could always tell me another coffee pun.


She grinned at the device in her hand, practically able to feel Griffin's unhappy glare through the screen. Griffin.

Are you serious?

I'm always serious about puns.

If I tell you one, will you let me pick you up after I get off? We can come back to my place for dinner.

Only if it's a good one.

. . . you mocha me happy. Beverly bit back a snort, knowing full well how much that had pained him.

Bringing in my favorite drink? Smart.

Yeah, yeah. Can I take you out, now?

Beverly was stopped from replying when Alicia (whose presence she had almost entirely forgotten about, drawled, "Are you dating your phone? Because that is one of the most lovestruck looks I have ever seen in my life."

Startling violently, Beverly swung her gaze up to the other girl with sheepish eyes. "Sorry. It's new, and I just . . ." she trailed off, shrugging pitifully.

It was enough, though, if the sudden gleam in Alicia's eyes was any indication. "Oh. My. God. Did the straight male friend graduate to boyfriend status?"

Looking down at her suddenly fascinating book, Beverly shook her head, nodded, then lifted one shoulder in an I-don't-really-know sign. "Kind of. Yeah."

Alicia released a long, awed whistle. "Well, I'll be. Damn, girl. I told you before, and I meant it: I need to meet him now. I have to give him the stamp of approval, obviously. When and where?"

Beverly blinked dumbly. "He," she paused, licking her suddenly too-dry lips, "he works at Cynthia's Coffeehouse. We could meet there, I suppose?"

Mulling it over for less than half a second, Alicia nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Thursday?"

"Let me just text him," Beverly mumbled, turning her attention back to her phone.

How about this: you take me out tonight, and then meet with me and my best friend on Thursday? She wants to give you "the stamp of approval."

She waited, her fingers tapping anxiously on the corners of the device; Alicia just watched with an amused smile ticking her lips. Finally, Beverly's phone buzzed.

Of course. 2 okay?

She asked Alicia, and the other girl grinned like a madwoman. "Oh, two is just fine, Bev. I cannot wait!" she rubbed her hands together almost maniacally, and Beverly could only chuckle nervously.

If Griffin was her boyfriend, she sincerely hoped that meeting Alicia wouldn't scare him away.


"Hey," Griffin greeted her when she came to a stop by his car, bending down to press a chaste kiss against her lips. "I would've gone up to get you, you know."

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