Ch. 51 - Unwanted Advances

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"What? You're related to the royal family?" Everly whispered to Keaton, scrunching her eyebrows, looking at him like he was suddenly a stranger. "Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Why would I? It's not a big deal babe," Keaton shrugged. "Queen Elizabeth is my Great, Great Aunt on my Dad's side." 

"Not a big deal?" she laughed. "To me that's a huge deal." 

"Why?" he asked, looking confused. "It doesn't change anything about me. It's not like I'm a prince. I'm so far down the line of succession I'd never rule." 

She sat there and thought about it. "Yeah, I guess you're right," she said, letting out an exhale. "It's just weird." 

When it was Everly's turn again she said, "Never Have I Ever met the Queen of England."

Every single person around the table had to take a shot except her.

"Ugh, it's so unfair. This is what happens when you invite a normie to this game," the girl across the table told the girl next to her under her breath but loud enough for everyone to hear. Both girls started to laugh, giving Everly a side eye and then looking away.

The looks they gave her made her feel like she didn't belong here, even more than she already had.

She leaned over and whispered "What's a normie?" to Keaton.

"It means a normal person that has no royal blood or title."

"So all of these people around this table are related to the royal family in some way or another?"

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Am I the only normie at this entire party?" she whispered, raising an eyebrow.

Keaton looked around for a second and said, "Yeah, probably."

Where Everly was from no one was related to royalty so finding out Keaton and most of his friends were was really strange. Even if it was a distant relation, that was still mind boggling to her. Everly sat back in her chair, processing this information and feeling overwhelmed.

Pretty soon everyone decided they had played the game long enough and they all split off and started going their separate ways. A group of guys that Keaton had gone to boarding school with came over and started talking to him about what it's like living in New York City. Everly suddenly felt the five shots hit her and she needed to pee really bad. She was so thankful they were small shot glasses or she would be really trashed right now.

"I'm going to go find a bathroom Keaton. I'll be right back," she told him, leaning down and kissing his cheek before walking off through the crowded mansion, with loud booming music and rowdy, laughing drunk people everywhere she turned.

The house was so huge and there were so many doors that it wasn't as easy to find a bathroom as she thought it would be. She went down long hallways that had painted portraits of dukes and lords on them and sculptures of people that probably had lived in this house two hundred years ago. She opened doors that led to libraries, offices, sitting rooms and what seemed like a million bedrooms.

"Damn! How big is this fucking house!" she groaned, feeling frustrated. "All I need is ONE fucking bathroom!" she whined, feeling like she was about to pee her pants.

"Looking for the loo?" a voice behind her asked, making her jump and gasp.

She turned around to see Henry standing there behind her, leaning his back against a wall with his hands in his pockets and his feet crossed, looking amused. Had he been following her this whole time?

"Loo?" she asked and then it dawned on her. "Oh you're talking about a bathroom. Yes! Can you PLEASE help me find one?" she asked, feeling her face flush with embarrassment. She felt like a little kid needing to be escorted to the potty.

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