13: alondra

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The mark from falling out of bed this morning turned into a bruise very quickly. Doesn't help that I'm fucking mortified I woke up snuggling into Jack. We must have fallen asleep during the movie and then Pritchett had to have gotten up in the middle of the night and turned all the lights off.

It's not a big deal that he woke up with a boner, I'd like to think that any guy in the same situation would wake up that way. It's a perfectly normal human reaction; it just was awkward.

All his jokes about size the night before were surprisingly accurate.

Keri's sitting in our normal seats and her eyes zero in on the lump on my head. "What happened to you?"

"Got into a fight with the floor this morning."

She shakes her head laughing, "Been there done that. Is your bed lofted?"

"Unfortunately." I grumble, plopping into my seat. I tried going back to sleep this morning, but my pillows smelled like Jack. I have a lot of mixed feelings about last night.

Yes, I have crashed at his place before. I might have been drunk out of my mind, but we didn't sleep in the same bed. He slept on the couch.

It's not that I care he stayed the night. I'm just freaking out a little bit because I didn't think I'd like being held by Jack as much as I did. Yes, Jack is more attractive than necessary. There's so many reasons that enjoying sleeping next to him is a bad idea. He plays hockey, doesn't believe in love, is one of my dad's players just for a few of them.

Keri starts telling me about some of the drama in the house, but I get distracted when Jack walks in. He's wearing the team's jacket and his jeans are hugging his muscular legs. Jack's hair is messily styled and he's sporting a nice black eye to match the bruise on my forehead.

He smiles hesitantly at me before sitting down and at least I can look at him now. That's a step up from this morning.

"Hey," Jack says quietly and Keri gapes at him.

"Dude, your eye."

He laughs, getting his notebook out, "I'm aware. Someone threw my phone at me and got me straight in the face." I didn't even realize I'd done that this morning. I was so flustered and I'd just woken up before falling out of the bed. Plus Pritchett is a monster in the morning.

"I bet they are sorry," I say and he shrugs.

"Not a big deal, better my eye than my nose." Jack says nonchalantly. He lifts his hand to touch my bruise and my heart jumps. "You okay, darling?"

There's an almost pleading look in his eyes that he wants us to go back to our normal before this morning. "All good. Just being clumsy and I hit the floor a little hard. How was morning skate?"

"Thanks to Pritchett sending out that photo to Dylan and Coop, I've gone from Schultz to Your Highness." He groans and I start to laugh quietly.

"What?" Keri asks and I whip my phone out, pulling the photo Pritchett got of Jack last night.

She starts laughing and covers her mouth to hide it since class is about to start. "That's awesome."

"Al," Jack grumbles and I nudge him with my shoulder.

"You're the one who said you were secure enough in your manhood that you didn't mind wearing a face mask and a headband," I reply quickly. My face flushes when I realize what I said because no wonder he's secure enough in his dick size that it doesn't matter he did a spa night with Pritchett and I.

"But that doesn't mean I want you showing people that picture. No offense Keri," He adds and I can see where he's coming from. "It's bad enough that the whole team has seen it. Pretty sure Coop shared it with Coach because he called me princess this morning."

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