Chapter 16

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Xander pov

"I need all the proof we can gather against Shelly and sue her for every possible charge including sexual assault. Last time she forcefully kissed me! I am not going to let her get away this time. I let her go once seeing she was drunk and Sophie said it could ruin her career but not this time. I am going to make her pay for it."

"Xander, we are already working on it. It will be fine buddy."

Calling my secretary I asked him to arrange my jet to fly to San Francisco.

"Thomas, you take care of things here. I need to find her."

Rushing out of my building I was attacked by all the paparazzi surrounding me. Though bodyguards were stationed even they couldn't do much.

With great difficulty we finally reached the airport.

"Sir, Miss Shelly has given an interview of you two being in love and hinted to a possible marriage and a child by next year. Also she had accused Mrs Smith for being with you for your money and cheating on you."

"That girl is delusional. She needs professional help. Pull down the interview, contact her fashion agency and cancel her contract. Make sure nobody publishes her interview or they will be at war with the Smith's and its not going to end well for them. Also contact Thomas and tell him to file a lawsuit for character defamation from both Sophie and my side. I am happily married and I do love my wife a lot."

"Understood sir."

I never would have thought I could stoop this low so as to jeopardise someone's career. But that girl has caused destruction in my life, tarnished my Sophie's image and had the audacity to say that I impregnated her. I am not forgiving her. Had Sophie been with me she would have stopped me for sure but with her gone I am going to destroy everyone in the way till I find my peace, my Sophie back.

This flight was my longest flight. Each second went as hours and I was growing restless each second. As soon as I landed there were fifteen missed calls from mom. Sophie's mom.

I rushed to my driver who was already waiting and we made twenty minutes journey in ten minutes.

Sensing the welcome I recieved when I reached. One thing was for sure.

Sophie wasn't here. Nor has she informed anyone of anything.

Had it been the case instead of bear hugs they would have left bear behind me. Sophie was an only child and her parents loved her a lot. That made me wonder, why hasn't she told them about anything. And if not here, where is she?

"Xander, where is Sophie? Rebecca forwarded me the link of some stupid article about your divorce. I gave her a mouthful. I know how much you both love each other. You can't stay angry with each other for more than an hour so even the idea of divorce is ridiculous. I tried calling both you and Sophie but you must be on the flight."

Seeing her believe so much in our relationship made me speechless. How am I suppose to tell her that her precious daughter is not with me? That I broke her heart. Heck, I don't even know where she is! Because of my one mistake I lost the best thing that ever happened to me.

"Lara, let the boy breathe. Son, come inside."

Dad very soon you will be kicking me outside.

How am I suppose to break this news to them? Subconsciously I looked towards the door. The idea of sprinting out was very tempting. But I couldn't do it. Atleast I can't do that to them. They have always loved me like a son and trusted me with their daughter. And I have immensely let them down.

"Mom, Dad."

Letting out a sigh I finally start speaking. Telling them everything I saw various emotions cross their faces. But what stayed the longest was.


Pure raw rage. All directed towards me. Well I did deserve it.

"You misplaced my daughter."

She is not a lost and found item mom. I so badly wanted to say but chose to remain quiet.

"Mom, I promise you, I will find her."

"Did you not divorce my daughter?"

"Mom we will try to cancel the divorce."

"Don't call me mom. I am no longer your mom."

"And stay away from my daughter. We will find her on our own."

"Dad please I love her."

"And don't even think of cancelling the divorce. Had she wanted to continue the relationship with you she would have told you the truth about the photos before your divorce and not after confirming it."

And then it hit me. The reason she didn't say anything before was because she wanted an out. She didn't want a pathetic partner who didn't even trust her. And had she told me before the divorce, I never in my wildest dream would have let her go.

And then for the infinite time in these three weeks I cried. My baby was so repulsed by me that she did not bother giving any justification. She was done with me.

Would I ever be able to win back her trust?

What do you think about the last question? Would Xander ever be able to win Sophie's trust again? Was Sophie's parents reaction justified or they should have just kicked him out without hearing his side of story? In relationship there are many times we want to believe things going around us more than our partner. Remember you may share a relationship with entire world of humanity but with your partner is love. So decide which emotion carries more weightage according to you and make decisions accordingly.

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