Chapter 1 ~Convenience store ~

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What do I want to eat, I thought to myself as I stared down the colourful packaging sitting on the shelves.

I am currently at the closest open shop to me right now, which is the small convenience store at my local gas station.

It's not far, just a 7min walk.

Though it's close, this is the last place I would want to be but due to it almost being 2am nothing is really open.

But I'm not alone inside theres the shop keeper and like 3 other people.

Ahhhh I'm not sure what I'm feeling, I snap back into thinking about the problem in hand as I carried on scanning the shelves.

The packaging of each item was very appealing which made it even harder for me to choose.

I guess I'll go with this I decide after scanning the shelves for about 20 minutes, I sigh in defeat as I grab *preferred food and drink*

I walk over to the till holding my items, as I put it on the counter to get out my money. I look outside the window.

Ugh, I internally groan as I see people hanging out close to the entrance of the store.

Great just what I need, a bunch of delinquents blocking my way.

They didn't look much older though, I would say maybe one or two years.

But still, I really didn't want to go past them. But what choice do I have.

There's no other way out.

"Excuse me can you hurry up" I hear a man behind me ask, which snaps me out of my thoughts.

"O-oh sorry" I stuttered feeling slightly embarrassed.

I pulled out my change and paid for the items, grabbing them off the counter I walk towards the door.

Let me just quickly go by hopefully they won't notice.

I thought as I opened the door.

The minute I walk out the cool breeze hit my face, and the delinquents don't waste a second and walk over to me as I stand beside the door.

My heart beat quickens.

No, not this. Please I don't want them to stop me.

I continuously pray.

"Hey hey, what are you doing out this hour?" One of the guys walks in front of me, blocking my escape route.

I just stood close to the door, just in case anything happened, there would be witnesses.

I didn't reply to the guy, which seemingly made him mad.

"Ignoring me?" He asked kind of aggressively.

"I-I'm just waiting for my boyfriend" I reply hoping it will make them back away.

Boyfriend? What the fuck am I even saying. I've never held hands with a guy let alone date one. Forget that, the real problem is; How am I going to get my supposed 'boyfriend' to show up.

Ahhh I've really done it this time

"Oh is he inside?" One of the other guys questions mockingly as if he knows I'm lying.

"Yes" I respond with more confidence hoping they would believe me and go away.

Just when one of the guys was about to speak the convenience store door opened.

And our heads turned to look at the person walking out.

He was quite tall, tanned and had blue hair and looked around my age.


He had his head buried in a magazine whilst he held a white plastic bag with what looked like a sports drink and a few other things inside.

Acting totally oblivious to the situation, he was going to continue walking away.

But I grabbed his arm and yanked it, pulling him towards me.

Which was a slight struggle as he was slightly muscly.

I accidentally made his magazine drop.

He looked up in confusion as he turned his head to face me, I could see he was slightly annoyed, but I payed little attention to that and quickly buried my head in his chest, whilst wrapping my arms around him.

I could feel his body tense by my actions and he didn't respond to my hug.

Which made the guys harassing me confused.

"Ahhhh you took your sweet time" I started a conversation with him hoping he would get the message and play along.

I carried on hugging him but lifted my head from his chest.

"H-huh?!" he replied in irritation.

"So is this guy your boyfriend?" One of the guys troubling me asks.

"Um yes! He is, and we really should get going." I respond hoping they'd leave.

They took a glance at the tall guy, and rubbed the back of their heads.

"Well we really need to go to, it was nice seeing you" A guy said I'm guessing he was their leader.

They hurriedly walk off, I guess they didn't want to pick a fight with this dude.

After I let the wave of satisfaction pass I realise I still have this guy wrapped between my arms.

Hurriedly I pull my arms back and look at him apologetically.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just I needed to save myself" I apologise whilst giving a small bow feeling a bit embarrassed.

He just stared at me for a bit and I awkwardly look back.

"Well I'm just going to g-" I get cut off.

"You dropped my magazine" he highlighted as he gave me a cold stare.

"O-oh that, well I can-" I get interrupted again.

"And you touched me without consent" he says whilst taking a harsh sigh and furrowing his eyebrows angrily.

"I was enjoying my morning and you came along and ruined it" he added to his sentence as he picked up his magazine.

Luckily the floor was pretty dry so it wasn't in terrible condition it was just slightly dirty.

And in more ways than one, this guy is weird.

I thought as I saw the adult magazine slightly worn and crumpled.

"Well I can buy you a new one if you want?" I offered him politely after all he did unintentionally save me.

Even though I don't want to waste my money on adult magazines, I guess it's the least I could do to make up for ruining his peaceful morning.

"2" he voiced

"Pardon?" I question not understanding.

"Get me 2" he harshly demanded, still bearing that cold look on his face.

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