𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕣 || 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1

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'Run' your mind went blank repeating that simple, yet effective word.

All you could think about was getting to your destination, concentration infested your entire being. Pain shot through your knees like wildfire, your lungs felt as though they were collapsing with every breath. You glued your (E/C) eyes shut and dived towards the pentagon-like shape buried within red dust.

"SAFE!!" a male voice hollered happily. Your coach.

You slowly lifted your eyelids to reveal your foot touching home base. A sigh of relief left your lips as you regained your balance on your feet, brushing off some of the red dust you collected on your uniform. Your eyes widen in excitement with all the cheers and hurlers coming from the large crowd seated on the bleachers. You felt as though you achieved the impossible. You felt a hard nudge on your back, then came another and another. Your entire team ran up to congratulate you, showering you with words of praise and admiration. This was the last game of your highschool life. This game meant the world to you and after you won, your heart skipped beats and played its own happy melody. You did it.

"Thank you, thank you," like a broken record, you were on repeat. 'Thank you' was about the only two words that could mustar through your heavy pants. As these words gobbled you up, you spotted your childhood best friend exiting the bleachers and sprinting towards you. (B/F/N). Since day one, they have been your number one supporter. They filled you with encouragement and helped carry your passions.

"(Y/N)!!!" They cheered at the top of their lungs, opening their arms for you to come into an embrace. You pushed through the mini crowd you created and lunged at your friend, accepting the offer of embrace.
"Let's go out for (F/F)! As a reward for your hard work!" They exclaimed, knowing that you would simply love the idea. Which you did. It brought a child-like smile to your features.

"Oh yeah! Let's go, party time!" Your eyes beamed, sure it was just going to be you two, but you wouldn't have had it any other way.
"Don't leave without me!" You smiled through your words wiping off a bead of sweat from your forehead. With that you took off to use the bathroom and throw on a fresh pair of clothes. Going out in your sweaty baseball uniform was not something you were a fan of. You stripped yourself of your uniform, folding it neaty before placing it in your backpack eagerly.

After a few minutes of changing you strolled out to look for your baseball bat, which you found near the fence at home base. You shoved it in your backpack with the end sticking out and secured it with the zipper on both sides. You quickened your pace to meet your friend, finally ready to get going. Your stomach rumbled loudly with a war cry. Ready to consume as much food as possible.

"Let's go to that little diner on 1st Street!" They suggested, they knew you too well. They knew that was your favourite diner and it was the diner that constructed your friendship. Their food was also delicious and made waterfalls pour from your mouth.

╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )➝

It didn't take long to get to the diner, and get seated. Your nose was greeted with the sweet aroma of the place, it's fresh smell of pancakes and milkshakes was one to savour. It also had an old 80's vibe to it. The waitress came up to you two whipping out a pen and notepad once she came to a halt in front of the table.
"What can I get for you two today?" Her peppy voice chripped, smiling as she looked down and waited for the order.

"I'll take (F/D) and (F/F)!" You stated happily, watching her hastily scramble the order down. You adored this place so much you even knew the menu like the back of your hand, as did your friend. Your friend ended up ordering the same thing to enjoy the experience with you.

Once you both were done ordering and patiently waited for your food, you two started conversation.

"So, are you thinking about what college you're going to (Y/N)?" They questioned, placing their elbow on the table before resting their chin atop the back of their hand. They were all over talking about what the future held and eager to live life to its fullest.

"I'm not too sure, I have an athletic scholarship with one college, it's the easiest thing I can get into," You sighed, the future was crazy with endless possibilities, sometimes it hurt to think about it. You just finished your last game but you didn't think about anything beyond that. You glanced out the window, seeing two people come into the diner, and your friend seemed to notice too. Their eyes narrowed at a blonde boy that walked in first, his features were almost set to 'wow' people like it did (B/F/N). The other boy that came in behind the blonde had a face mask on, so it was hard to define his features, all you could tell was that he had brown hair. They had parted ways so you assumed they weren't together.

"We should go sit--" (B/F/N) was cut off but the waitress serving your yummy food. It was all delicious, your (E/C) eyes were glued to the colours on the plate.
"As I was saying before--" They continued before being cut off by you.

"We are not sitting with a boy we haven't met," you chuckled, bringing the first bite to your lips and munching down on it. However, you couldn't help but feel a strange aura directed at you. One that stuck to you like super glue. You slowly examined the diner to see if anyone was watching you, yet not a single soul was even interested in anything else but their phone, menu, food or talking to another person. You shook off the feeling and just took another bite.
"This is really good!" You say, happily picking up the pace in your eating.

"You always say that" your friend chuckled and brought the first bite to their lips. You two sat there eating with passion and keeping conversation throughout bites.

What you failed to realize is that a pair of hazel eyes pierced into you, watching every bite you took, and even wrote your name on a napkin once they overheard it.

"(Y/N), h-huh?"
Thanks for reading!! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

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