𝕀𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕣 || 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4

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The nightfall created a beautiful, dark blanket over the town, and the stars danced amongst each other in the sky. The pale moon peered over the town as if it were giving it's light for protection from any monsters within. As the sun was setting, it became the perfect element that could play into the thrill of the horror movie you were watching. (B/F/N) came to the conclusion that 'Halloween' was the best option for tonight. It wasn't as ruthlessly scary for them, and they could handle it without being frightened of slumber for the next few days. You two shared buttery popcorn and sipped on (F/D) for the rest of the movie. Here and there a jump or jolt would spike (B/F/N)'s bones, shaking the couch like an earthquake. Blankets surrounded you two and acted as a shield that no monster could penetrate and danger could never sleep in. Horror movies made your best friend absolutely petrified, however, it wasn't long before they could feel relief coming with the end of the movie. You glanced at the time to see it was already 11:30pm. That movie was the only activity you carried out on your activity list.
Nonetheless, you were satisfied knowing that there would be more sleepovers in the future. A small yawn sounded from your friend's mouth, signalling that they were tired from today's lively events. Even though you were tired from all the running and pressure caused by the baseball game earlier. You were still proud of yourself, and thought you would sleep more soundly.

"Wanna hit the sack?" You asked, a small yawn also escaping your lips while you covered your mouth. You realized that the movie kept your mind entertained, and awake, rather than passing out cold on the couch. Your best friend simply nodded, sluggishly getting their slouching physique up to make way to your bedroom. Since you two were basically siblings, it didn't bother you to share a bed. You also followed behind (B/F/N), shutting off the TV and all the lights to conserve energy for the night. A bigger yawn caused you to shut your eyes before closing your egg-shelled coloured door. You both slithered under the covers and you turned faced them. A smile couldn't help but form on your lips.
"I'm so glad I have you in my life," you utter, exhaustedly yet genuinely. You made sure that they knew you cherished their presence and support. Your world without them would be a nightmare. Loneliness would have consumed your world. Sure you had your parents however, you couldn't tell them your fears and secrets without being scolded; but that was how most parents were.

They spun towards you, their eyes widening in confusion only to soften in seconds. "I know," they said almost lovingly. It was their way of saying it back and figuratively telling you that they loved you too. "Now get some sleep, nerd," they smile, it was almost as if that was the last smile you would ever see from them before your vision became blurred, fading into blackness.



You gasp, peeling your eyes open urgently due to the sound of glass shattering and a large thud that had followed. Your figure thrusted forward to sit up, snapping your head towards (B/F/N) to see if they heard the thunderous sound too. Nevertheless, they didn't. They stayed in their deep slumber peacefully as pig noises softly bypassed their mouths.
'Was that my imagination?' you could have sworn it came from across the hall in your parents room. You stared intensely at the door for a few moments, contemplating whether or not you should go out and check what the sudden noise was. Next minute it was just a small animal. You shakily sighed as you carefully got up, attempting not to disturb your friend's peaceful sleep. You placed your shaky feet firmly on the ground, walking cautiously towards the door.
'Maybe if they didn't wake up, it was my imagination?' you thought, shaking your head to quit stalling. Inches away from turning the silver door knob, you felt the same sinister ambience you felt at the diner just hours before.
What was that feeling?
You glanced over at your backpack, seeing the end of your baseball bat sticking out made you find safety within the object. You slowly approached the bag and carefully took out the bat, your zipper making a hissing sound as you did this. A jittery feeling came upon you, a loud gulp sounded from you and filled your ears.
'What would you do if there was someone in your house?'
You slowly approached your door cracking it open ever so slightly, revealing the small hallway that connected your parents room and your bathroom. You slowly made your way to your parents room and saw the shattered glass from the window. The moon light reflected beautifully among the glass shards, and a slight breeze made its way through the gap in the window. Your (E/C) eyes widen as you scan a burgundy brick on the floor. This was no accident. There was a white, torn paper plastered on the brick. The situation made you feel uncomfortable, and prompted your figure to shake vigorously. However, your curiosity got the best of you. You slowly approached the mysterious note to reveal the words scratched on there.
It was almost as though a toddler wrote it.
'Watch out' the note was simple yet effective. It scared the life out of you. If this was a joke orchestrated by some stupid teenagers you were going to have their sorry little heads. You slowly peered out the window, seeing a pair of leafy bushes rustle. You couldn't tell if it was from the light breeze or something else lurking around.
You slowly moved back from the shattered window frame, jumping violently when you heard a faint creak from behind you. You felt your soul leave your body as you heavily shifted your weight to look at the door. It cracked from the pressure of the light breeze. You slowly moved towards the door and nudged it open with your baseball bat.
Dreadfully, you heard a metal like 'click' and a creaking noise followed after. The sound was so familiar, yet you wanted it to stop- your back door slowly creeping open downstairs. You drew a shaky breath not wanting to face whatever just welcomed itself in. You felt your heart sink into your stomach. Your body was trembling violently and you desperately clung onto your baseball bat to the point where your hands hurt. You peered down the stairs to see if you could catch a glimpse of anything, but it was just your ordinary house.
'Was this a dream?'
You finally gained enough strength to push yourself out of your parents room. It was a struggle, but you managed to conquer it. You slowly made your way to the stairs, standing at the tippy-top of it. The only thing that aided you in this was the moon light seeping through the cracks of windows and doors. Even then it was still completely dark.


It grew and took over your being, placing fear and doubt into your stomach. It made you feel sick. You wanted to turn on a light but the closest one was downstairs in the kitchen. Out of the silence echoed a joint cracking. Almost like someone was cracking their knuckles. You could sense someone, or something, waiting for you downstairs. You knew this was an idiotic move, although you decided to roll with it anyways. You sprinted down the stairs to the nearest light source in the kitchen, slamming your hand on the switch to flick it on urgently. You gripped your baseball bat over your right shoulder, ready to whack at anything that came in your direction. You had a hard swing, the best on the team. Yet you didn't know if fear would lock that down into a pathetic tap. You didn't see anything. Not a soul. You watched your porch door in confusion, wondering if you had just left it open and the wind blew it open even more.
You heard it open. You heard metal click. There was no way the wind could possibly do that.
You couldn't have been going insane.


The sound startled you, causing you to jump forward slightly from the wall you had your back to. This one sounded as if someone cracked their neck.
It was closer this time.
You felt as though you could collapse and curl into a little ball on the floor. You backed up slowly, your bat still sitting atop your shoulder and ready to swing when necessary.

That was when you backed into something hard.
You knew it wasn't something apart from your house just from the squishy feel. It felt like someone's clothed body. Turning around swiftly, you gave the intruder a good hard whack. One that would carry you to a home room. You jumped back as you hit the entity, turning to face it.
A man towering over you like a brick wall came into your vision. You noticed his brown hair in the light of the kitchen. It stuck out randomly like this man had just woken up. The most terrifying part of this guy was his face guard and orange goggles. It completely covered his face, unrecognizable.
You expected your hit to send the man into the wall, however he only twitched.
There was no 'ow.'
There was no sign of pain.
He wasn't human.
It wasn't human.
Suddenly the silhouette moved like it was taunting you, watching your fear and leeching off of it with amusement. They had something shiny in their grasp, they stepped closer to you. It was an axe. Your eyes widened as you watched this 'thing' move the axe upwards above their own head. This action caused your eyes to glue shut.

"G-g-good-goodbye (Y/N),"

That voice, you heard that voice today. It was raspy... but not as deep as you thought it was going to be. Your thoughts ran wild realizing who he was.
This is the guy from the diner.
He lowered his axe swifty, but there was no impact. You lifted your eyes to see the axe hovering inches above your nose. You didn't realize that out of fear you cause yourself to fling your baseball bat straight, at a horizontal angle with your hands clutching each end of the stick. It made an impact with the wood part of his axe with a slight cracking sound. You were surprised the impact didn't break your bat in two.
If the metal head of the axe made contact with your wooden bat, you would've for sure been a goner. In the light you could see that the axe had red stains all over it. It couldn't be dried blood. Of course it was! Look at what he was using the axe for!! Your figure was trembling violently, you were agile but your arms were weak and his much stronger ones overpowering you. Their way your body trembled set the axe even closer to your face.
"In-intreesting," you saw his mask move upwards, you just knew he was grinning under it and soaking up all of this. He put in no effort, he was playing with you while you trembled like a baby goat. Suddenly you got the power to shove his axe with your bat, it grazed the skin on your forehead and a bead of blood formed due to the incision. Pulling that off felt impossible, but there was no time to dwell on it. You quickly scanned your opinions to escape, the only fast option you could think of was the porch door that the psychopath came through. It was already open and your best bet to get away from this hellish nightmare. You looked back at him regaining his balance. You took the opportunity to run. Remembering your best friend you stopped to think if the murderer would go after them. However, you kept sprinting into the backwoods behind your house once you remembered the murderer saying your name. How did he even know your name?? He was just some rude stranger from that diner.

Who was this guy??
Have a good day!
Thanks for reading!! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

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