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Meredith POV
I was on my way to work when I turned on my radio
Radio:good morning everyone unfortunately we will be having a storm so please take shelter
Meredith:what,I need to call Maggie

Maggie: hello?
Meredith:hi Maggie do you still have the kids
Maggie:yeah I'm dropping them
Meredith:ok please bring them to the hospital
Maggie:ok why?
Meredith:did you not hear on the radio, there's going to be a storm
Maggie:oh fuck
Meredith:Hy Hy language my kids are there
Maggie:oh sorry I'm on my way
Hangs up

Maggie pov
Zola: aunt Maggie
Zola:what does fuck mean
Maggie:uhhhh it means um ask your mommy about it
Zola: okay
I turned the car around heading to the hospital I was definitely sure Meredith was going to give me a death stare,I got to the hospital and I saw Meredith talking to Hayes
Ellis: mommy
Meredith:hi my babies
They all hugged Meredith
Maggie:so I am truly sorry for what I said on the phone
Meredith:yeah we'll talk about that later,ok guys do you have your books and iPad with your charges
Ellis:yes but I forgot my charger
Meredith:this is why I say double check but you can use mine
While Meredith was talking to Bailey and Ellis Zola sneaked behind to go talk to Hayes
Zola:hi Cormac
Hayes bent down to Zola's level
Cormac:hi zola how are you
Zola: I'm good,do you wanna know a secret
Cormac:  Sure
Zola: mommy has a crush on you
Cormac: really I didn't know
My eyes widened so I said
Maggie:ok guys let's leave your mum and Cormac to work we can go play in her office
Meredith:ok I'll see you later
Zola, Bailey, Ellis:bye mommy bye Cormac
Cormac:bye guys
Meredith POV
I was doing some charts with Hayes when Cristina paged me
Meredith:u got paged to
Me and Hayes get to the conference room and sit next to each other
Cristina:ok well everyone is here so let's get started a bus was tumbled on Goodwood street and they are a lot hurt bodies and people who are dying all those people will be coming here so I'm going to be needed ER'S,OR'S TRUMA ROOMS AND LOT OF EXTRA ROOMS
Amelia:how many people are on that bus
My eyes widened
Cristina's pager went off
Cristina:ok first patient is here and she came by an helicopter so Hayes,Grey your up
Me and Hayes fast walked out off the room,we got in our shoulders were touching each other our hands were close
Cormac:you know your daughter told me you had a crush on me
I gasped a bit,he smiled a bit than it all went .........



Meredith and Cormac : SwitzerlandWhere stories live. Discover now