♡ four; first date ♡

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⋆ You were a little nervous about what Charlie had planned for your first date. He was know for going a little overboard at times. You had been pestering him all week to at least give you a hint of what the first date would be.

"Please Charlie! At least tell me what to wear," you begged, annoyed with how secretive he was being.

"Well, if it was up to me, you would wear nothing." A sly smile tugged at his lips.

You punched him in the arm, and he let out a yelp from the impact. "God, you're such an ass."

He quickly regained his composure. "Yeah, but you know you love me." He winked in your direction as you strode away, with a slight tint to your cheeks.

⋆ You decided to wear a tight fitting spaghetti strap dress (date with charlie outfit:   https://www.pinterest.com/pin/688206386812546068/   ). At 7 o'clock sharp, you arrived at the entrance of Welton. At first you were confused because you couldn't see Charlie, but then you saw a red car pull up next to you, with Charlie in the drivers seat. He got out of the car and hugged you.

"Wow y/n, you look incredible." He eyed you up and down and smirked softly to himself. "But, you're gonna freeze your ass off."

"SEE! This is exactly why I asked you what I should wear!" You quipped back, a playful smile on your face. 

"Aw come on, you'll be fine," he assured you as he took your arm and led you to the passenger side of the car, where he opened the door for you.

"Wow, such a gentleman." You commented sarcastically.

"Anything for you, m'lady." You chuckled to yourself as he closed the door and walked back over to the drivers side.

⋆ The car ride was filled with some banter and singing along to the songs on the radio. After you guys had been driving for a little while, you were starting to grow impatient and wondered where he was taking you. That was until you felt Charlie place his hand on your thigh and softly rub it. Goosebumps rose on the skin that he touched, and you weren't as concerned about the destination anymore.

"We're almost there," he informed you, as if he could read your mind. 

You turned your head to face him and small smile formed on your face. "Ok," you mumbled distractedly, playing with his hand that was still resting on your thigh.

⋆ A few minutes later you pulled into the parking lot of a diner. You let out a sigh of relief because your stomach had been grumbling from hunger. As you went to open your door, Charlie stopped you. 

"I'll get the door." He winked again and got out to walk around the car.

You softly shook your head, chuckling to yourself. Once he had opened the door, you remarked, "My hero," and playfully rolled your eyes.

He smiled affectionately at you, then took your hand and you both headed to the diner.

⋆ "I would like a chocolate malt, and a burger with lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese. Oh! And could I have seasoned fries on the side, and coleslaw, too, please? Thank you so much!" You ordered eagerly. You hadn't been in a diner or had good food since school started, so you were a little excited to say the least.

You saw a gentle smile form on Charlie's lips and you returned it with a toothy one. "I'll have a cheeseburger with regular fries on the side and some coleslaw, too. I'll also have a strawberry milkshake. Thank you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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