~•Nicknames For Each Other•~

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~This chapter mentions the contractions Mr. and Mrs. and the nicknames princess/prince so pick which ever one you're most comfortable with and substitute them for something else if you want to :)



His for you: Darling

It's simple, sweet and sounds like he's such a romantic. And that's why he loves it, it makes him sound so serious and sophisticated for you, it sounds like something a character would call their lover in a play and he just adores it.

Yours for him: Pretty Boy

How could you not call him by "Pretty Boy"? That's exactly what he is. He's got very nice, soft features and he is, in fact, very pretty. The little name always makes him smile all bashfully. And you especially call him this before he gets on stage. "Good luck, Pretty Boy, I'll be watching from the audience."


His for you: Sweetheart

He got extremely comfortable with calling you that almost immediately. There is really no reasoning behind it other than the fact that he thought it was cute.

Yours for him: Bambi

(So, I've never actually seen Bambi so I am not exactly sure if this is 100% correct but I know, well I think I know, that Bambi is shy and bashful so I'm basing this off those, and a few other quality's)

Todd is, and as everyone knows, very shy and he can be some what clumsy. From dropping his books in the halls to accidentally calling Mr. Keating dad, your boyfriend is the perfect description of a person well deserving of the nickname "Bambi".


His for you: Mr./Mrs. Dalton

He liked the way it made your face go red when he called you that, and Charlie liked the thought of the two of you getting married. But of course, you were just too young, so he settled with calling you by his last name for now. And soon enough, everyone started calling you that. It was a common and everyday occurrence to hear other students yelling out "Hey! Mr./Mrs. Dalton!" In the halls, like it was nothing. Even Mr. Keating joined in and started calling you that.

Yours for him: Sugar

He tried to convince you to call him "Sugar Tits" but you gladly passed on that offer, deciding to meet him half way by calling him Sugar.


His for you: Hun or Love

Meeks likes to pretend or imagine that the two of you are married so that often leads to him calling you "Hun" or "Love". It's sweet and suave just like your boyfriend is.

Yours for him: Lover Boy

If you're telling me that the nickname "Lover Boy" wasn't made for Meeks, you're lying. It's sweet and fits him perfectly. Hearing the two of you call each other "Hun" and "Lover Boy" in the halls or at lunch is almost too adorably gross for most people, but you too just love it. The nickname made him blush at first, and ever sense then, it just stuck. 


His for you: Flower

He calls you this because he thinks your just as beautiful and fragile as a flower. In his eyes, you're something that should be adored and held carefully. Something that should be protected. Sometimes this nickname even evolves into the actual names of flowers, such as "Daisy", "Lavender" or "Buttercup".

Yours for him: Pebbles

Why did you start calling him this? You don't know. You were trying out a bunch of cute, little pet names when you first started dating, like "Honey" or "Cutie" but none of them seemed to fit. You both wanted something unique but still equally adorable. And that's when you thought of "Pebbles". You both quickly took a liking to it after the first use. All though, Pittsie will always be the original nickname.


His for you: Sweetie or Lover

Cameron, believe it or not, is a huge romantic so yes, calling you by "Sweetie" or "Lover" maybe simple or basic, but it gets his loving point across. To him, you are the sweetest thing alive and if he could, he would just hold you all day.

Yours for him: Bugs

It actually started from the fact that he was scared of insects. Calling him "Bugs" was a way to tease him about his fear of crawling creatures, but it quickly came to your attention that it was actually kind of adorable.


His for you: Princess/Prince

In his eyes, you're the most beautiful creature to walk this Earth and all he wants to do is spoil you with all the riches in the world. You are royalty to him and he wants to treat you as such.

Yours for him: Romeo

What else are you supposed to call the most romantic guy in the world? He actually suggested it himself, saying it would be perfect, and luckily for the two of you, it actually worked. It didn't seem forced or fake, it just felt natural to have the nickname falling from your lips.


~Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!

~Written on July 12th, 2021

~Word count: 855

~Dead Poets Society Imagines And Preferences~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ