The Beginning

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I watched in horror as her body hit the floor and shattered. This can't be happening, I looked to see another woman crying her eyes out beside me. And then it clicked, this girl is dead. I start to make agonizing sobs as pain rushes through my heart. I spit out curses to the man who cut her down

Never had I such hatred toward a person. He stood there smiling. I could feel my body charge up. I was furious, unknowingly I was able to get up from the spell I was placed under

"Well, well, looks like someone is mad," the man mocks me

"Die!" I yell as I use the final skill of my unique skill tree. This skill is called Lightning

How did I get here again?...watching the people I love get killed? did my suffering start again?

(Y/N) POV - 2 years earlier

"I'm off to school!" I yell out as I approach the front door of my house.

"Have a good day at school!" My younger brother calls out as I put my shoes on.

I pick up my backpack and leave the comfort of my home.

"Wonder what type of stupid activities Max is doing?" I talk to myself

Max Kimberly, my childhood friend. We were good friends, I don't remember a time when Max wasn't annoying me with his stupid antics.

"Probably swimming with his cat," I mutter as I remember what he did last week.

He decided to bring his cat into the river with him.

The poor kitten was meowing for dear life and before Max could return it to dry land, it had shown its displeasure to my dear friend.

"Got in a cat fight I see," I teased him as he had an unamused look on his face to match with the many painful scratches he sustained on the return trip.

"What a dumbass," I mutter to myself chuckling a little.

I arrived at school and took a seat at my desk.

"Why is Max late?" A classmate asks me as I shrug

"Why's the teacher late?" I ask them to clue them in I didn't know the answer to either question.

"Here!" A blonde says as he leaps into the classroom

"there he is," I snicker as my classmate rolls her eyes.

Max looks at me and basically sprinted toward me.

Max was a slender and tall kid, his lush golden locks bounced as he made his way to me in his usual fancy clothing.

"Dude! SAO comes out tomorrow...I'm so excited about it!" He says as I stare at him.

I didn't like the vibes SAO gave off. I don't have any evidence to support my thoughts, but my stomach is yelling at me to stay away.

"Listen, dude, I don't want to touch that with a ten-foot pole," I mutter as he chuckles

"I got the whole class coming in," he says with a giant smile...damn wealthy people

"What did you do? Buy them all Nervegear!" I ask surprised

"How'd you know!" He says with a smirk

"Just think of how many kids in Africa you coulda fed with that money," I reply disappointed in him.

"Come on, play with us, it won't kill you, you know," he says as I look at him doubtfully

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