chapter 1

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"briony come on we're going to be late for the start of the year ceremony!" her mother gently called up to her from the end of the stairs.

"coming mother!" briony answered as she folded the corner of the page in her book and sat up on her bed to set her coffee cup and book on her bed-side table.

she looked around her room and at her bookshelf that reached up to the ceiling with books about adventure and poetry. briony had a wonderous passion for poetry. some nights she would stay up until dawn and write poetry about anything and everything.

a knock on her door snapped her out of her daydream. her brother neil walked in and placed his hands on his hips and gave her "the look".

if you were to translate this "look" into words it would say "get down there now before father starts going off at us in the car". she sighed and grabbed her luggage whilst finishing the last sip of her coffee. she then grabbed the book she was reading a moment ago. neil had left the room and gone downstairs. she looked back at her room one last time before patting her door frame as a "goodbye for now".

the drive there was awkward and quiet as always. but when they arrived their father turned around and looked at the two and then briony. she just looked out the window at young men going up the steps of the building. "now i understand that this is very odd for you briony as it's an all boys school that you're attending. but this will be a great advantage to you're future life and career path." briony kept her eyes on those boys. she heard her father sigh and leave the car as the twins followed this action.


it had been thirty minutes into the ceremony and briony could feel her eyes getting heavy. her mother gave her a gentle nudge and briony jumped slightly and looked back to mr. nolan who was talking about some rubbish to do with the school. she could see neil and some other boys hold a banner in front of them as she pierced her lips together to avoid smiling from how petty her brother looked up there. all of a sudden all the students stood up and started reciting the four pillars of welton academy. briony looked at her parents as if to ask if she was supposed to stand up or not. her father looked at her sternly and nudged her out of her seat. as she sat down she saw the proud, smug smile plastered on mr. nolan's face.


neil made his way over to briony as the ceremony had finished as all the parents had rushed over to mr. nolan to admire what he's done for the school.

"so, what do you think of it so far?" he asked her with that smirk he makes when he sees something his twin doesn't like.

"i almost fell asleep at some point" neil snorted "but seeing you up there with your chest puffed made the first impression here much more entertaining" briony smiled sarcastically as neils smirk dropped.

"alright, alright smartie pants let's go watch our parents kiss mr. nolan's feet" neil replied wrapping his arm around her shoulder as briony giggled.


neil and briony were walking around the courtyard behind the school and admiring the garden work when neil spoke up. "so what room number did you get anyway bri?"

"uhh lemme check" briony replied as she pulled a sheet of yellow paper out of her skirt pocket and unfolded to reveal her class schedule and room number. "it says here room 168."

"aw that's a shame i'm not in the same room as you" neil frowned while checking his sheet too. "but at least i'm in the one just across from you!"

"well that's good" briony smiled up at her brother. she always had a good relationship with her brother. he used to play dolls with her when she had no one to play with and read her to sleep even when he was just as tired as her.

neil smiled back at her "alright well do you need me to show you where your room is?"

"no that's alright, i like the adventure" they both chuckled. "thank you though, i might as well go on my own because i want to find the library."

neil rolled his eyes playfully "you're so book-obsessed." briony gave him a look as if to say "and you're not?"

he laughed and they said they're "goodbyes" and "see you laters".


briony walked around the building and found herself in the hallways of the dorm rooms to see teenage boys from small to tall messing and running up and down the hallway.

most of them stopped when they realised there was a young girl in front of them looking at the room numbers. she started to feel uncomfortable as some of them started to look her up and down and smirk slightly.

that's when she noticed a door that said "room 168" above it and made her way over to it looking at the floor, ignoring the stares as she could feel her anxiety rising.

she was just about to reach the door to open it and slam it shut so she could compose herself. that's when she bumped into a wall and fell to the ground as she dropped her book and luggage.

she looked up to see a young boy her age that was also on the ground picking up his things and breathlessly repeating the word "sorry" under his breath.

briony felt her face start heating up and quickly picked up her things before standing up and closing the door to her room. she slid down the door and on to the ground and cupped her hands on her face in embarrassment.

that's when she heard a knock at her door which would reveal something that would make this a year of her life to remember...

ok so that was chapter 1 of coffee! so i'll be posting a chapter possibly twice or three times a week. i hope u liked the first one :)

• coffee ~ todd anderson •Where stories live. Discover now