4 - under the weather

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I turn over in my bed and squint at the alarm clock on my desk.


It's been over 3 hours since Amy and I got back from her smoke break. I've been tossing and turning from the moment I settled into bed.

I turn to face Amy. Her eyes are closed, but something tells me she's still awake.

"Amy," I hiss. "Amy, I know you're awake."

"Leave me alone. I've got a lot of nothing to do tomorrow." She rolls onto her side, facing the wall.

I huff. "Tell me about the other guys. Are they all like Charlie?"

She laughs. "God, no. Not at all. I can only handle one of him."

I seem to have caught her attention, so I continue. "Ok, so tell me about them. I always thought that all the boys at Welton would be completely intolerable."

Amy pauses, seemingly deciding in her head where to start. She eventually rolls back towards me.

"Fine. You're lucky I can't sleep either." She hoists herself up, sitting with her legs crossed. "Uh, ok. You've met Charlie. I'd say he's the biggest character out of the group."

"Besides him, there's Neil, Knox, Meeks, Cameron, and Pitts. Neil's alright. A bit too school-oriented for me, but alright. Knox is like... a calmer version of Charlie. Same sort of arrogant presence, but not trying to prove it every five seconds. I'd say he's a good example of the average student at Welton."

Amy halts to yawn before continuing. "Meeks. Certified genius. Great for homework 'help.'" She uses her fingers to put quotes around "help." I assume she shoulders a lot of her work onto this Meeks boy.

"Who's left, who's left... right, ok. Cameron. Not a fan, personally. Kinda got a stick up his ass. He might be a better representative of the average Welton student than Knox, now that I think about it. Coughs every time I smoke around him, without fail. I swear it's intentional at this point. Pitts is tall as hell. He and Meeks are close." She chuckles to herself. "Huh, I just noticed. They both go by their last names. That's weird." She punctuates her sentence with yet another yawn.

I can tell I'm losing her.

I smile as if she can see it through the dark. "They sound nice, and you sound sleepy. Go to bed. I'll just keep tossing and turning until I eventually pass out."

She waves her hands. I hardly see the motion from my side of the room. "I'm fine. Charlie mentioned some Todd guy, I don't know him. New or something. They'll get him to open up eventually."

I wait for her to carry on, but she doesn't. "Amy?" I whisper, "Amy?"

She's slumped over in her spot, resting her head on her fist. Asleep.

I roll my eyes and settle back into my pillow.


Science has never been my best subject, and it's even worse now that I'm only running on two hours of sleep.

What a great start to the semester.

My eyelids feel like boulders, constantly coercing me to let them shut. I have to actively fight to keep myself awake, and this teacher's droning voice isn't helping.

"Mitosis, on the other hand, is a form of asexual reproduction..."

I roll my head back and tilt it towards the window to my left. There's a light drizzle, a sharp 180 from the sunny weather Constantine had over the weekend.

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