25 (The End)

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-Just mentions of what happened

George's POV

After Clay asked me to be his boyfriend and swore at Josh, he grabbed my hand and took me to another room since there were lights flickering.

'I don't want you to get a seizure,' Clay said, kissing my cheek. 'I'm relieved now I've asked you to be mine.'

'Did you plan on doing that?'

Clay nodded. 'I did, that was one of the reasons I was so excited. I want to tell you something.'


'I love you,' he whispered with red cheeks.

I got shy and smiled. 'I love you too.'

'Everyone is supposed to be dancing now, but can we kiss?'

I nodded and giggled softly as Clay wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He had a smile on his face along with red cheeks. Even though we kissed three times before, we still were really shy.

I felt Clay's lips press against mine. He just pressed them against mine for a few seconds and then slowly moved his lips in sync with mine, pressing his body even closer to mine.

Our chests were touching and I could feel his fast heartbeat beating against my body. My heartbeat was just as fast, since I really loved to kiss Clay. It gave me such a happy feeling, I felt happier than I had felt in years.

Clay cupped my face and stroked my cheek with his thumb, breaking the kiss after we were lost for air. He smiled and started kissing my cheek and my jaw, pressing a kiss on my forehead as last.

'You're gorgeous,' he whispered. 'I'm still not joking. I know it's hard to trust me, but after what I did today, I really hope you do.'

'I do,' I whispered shyly. 'I trust you.'

Clay smiled and hugged me close to his body. 'I really love you.'

'I love you too,' I said softly with a small giggle.

Clay and I spent the rest of the evening in each other's arms, cuddling and kissing every now and then.

We both didn't feel like going back to the hall where everyone was, we just loved being close to each other as we could kiss without anyone near us.

When it was midnight, I fell asleep in Clay's arms and when I woke back up he called my mother to pick us up so I could sleep. When we were at home, we went to the same room. We just cuddled up, kissed shortly and then I fell asleep in his arms.

6 months later...

Clay and I were sitting on the couch. I looked at him and he smiled. 'Are you okay, Georgie?'

I nodded at him and rested my head on his shoulder. 'And you?'

'I'm feeling good today,' Clay replied with a bright and happy smile.

I had been doing really good the last time. After Clay got his insulin pump, my parents wanted to give it a chance to make my life a bit easier too. They took me to a doctor to let me see if medication for epilepsy would work.

In the beginning it didn't do much, but it started working after a month. I couldn't even describe my feeling of happiness when I didn't have a seizure in two weeks. I still had seizures sometimes, mostly once a two weeks, but it was so much better than it was before. Clay had his pump, I had medication. We were both really happy.

We knew that my epilepsy would never go away and neither wouldn't Clay's diabetes, but those small things were enough to make us happy for days on end.

Clay barely had hypos nor hypers anymore because of his pump and continuous glucose monitor. We could just check his blood sugar whenever and immediately noticed when it got too high or too low. Of course, his pump and monitor weren't a cure for diabetes, he still struggled a lot since life with diabetes was extremely hard, but it did help a lot.

Clay's parents went to jail for a few years since they sometimes hurt Clay and almost let him die. They couldn't add more years to the sentence for the homophobia and the insults, but at least they were gone for now. He moved into our house since he didn't have anywhere else to stay and just made it home here.

Most of the time he slept in my room so it wasn't like he needed his own room. Though, sometimes it was also nice to have some privacy.

Josh had been expelled from school after Clay was sick of it and told the teachers. They expelled him just as they expelled the person who filmed our kiss and filmed Clay having a seizure. Everyone had been pretty nice to us and we had another good friend at school now.

Sapnap moved schools since they didn't get accepted as non-binary at their old school. They had us to support them now and since the principal held a whole speech about homo- and transphobia everyone treated Sapnap the same as they treated everyone. They also respected their pronouns and so did the teachers.

Sapnap was very supportive of our relationship. They told us they wouldn't want a relationship themselves for now because they were too confused about their sexuality, but we just supported them and helped them whenever they needed too.

I looked at Clay and smiled at him as I kissed his lips shortly. 'I love you.'

'I love you too. I'm glad you finally feel less anxious after everything that happened, I'm very proud of you. I'm also proud because you're my boyfriend. You're the strongest boyfriend I'd ever get.'

'Definitely not in muscles,' I giggled.

Clay laughed shortly and kissed my cheek. 'But mentally for sure.'

'Thank you,' I said with a shy smile. My face still got red when he was being sweet to me.

'Sometimes I felt a bit alone. It felt like I was the only one having a disability, I was that kid with diabetes and no one liked me with it. But when you came along, I started feeling less alone. When we did the project, I felt understood and the teacher loved it so much that he even shows all classes our project now.'

I nodded and cuddled up with him. 'I also felt alone, but not with you.'

'That's because we are fighting together and we will be fighting together till the end.'

1078 words

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