42. Avenge

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A/N: This story has only few chapters left. I love you all! <3 See you soon! ^_^

Natalia and her friends secretly celebrated the disaster. She unconsciously reached for drinks and finished two glasses of wine. She couldn't help but sniggered at the chaos. Natalia then turned her eyes on Alexander and sincerely said, "Thank you."

The day before the charity ball, she encouraged her husband to attend the party. She instructed him to just stand there and do nothing to divert the attention of the people while the mayhem awaits. It paved the way for one person to cautiously blend at the background and appeared on the platform at the right time. Alexander's men were also reliable in such situation as she arranged them to fenced around the stage.

Lastly, Natalia trusted the personality of Ariel and that the woman would definitely choose to be grandiose with her schemes. Naturally, all things worked out and the blonde woman succeeded on giving a big blow to the horrendous family.

Alexander just nodded at Natalia but his eyes were celebrating the result.

At the other side of the hall, Neero was also silently rejoicing as he drank his wine and thinking of the necessary steps to take.

The emcee composed himself and was able to deliver the ending remarks. The Yushkova's PR officer was the one who answered all the questions that were thrown upon the family.

Natalia's group exited the Yushkova mansion along with Alexander. Most of the guests followed after and leave the Yushkova family members alone to themselves.


Arriving at the Zion Suites, the couple washed separately and changed into their nightwears.

Natalia is generally happy but she couldn't forget the small scene at the dance floor earlier. She glowered and mischievously chose a nightwear that was given by Luna. Her friend said that the attire would torture Alexander.

Thinking about her revenge, she tried to figure out how to wear such a weird outfit. As Natalia finished changing, she wore a robe and walked out from the bedroom swaying. The effect of alcohol was slowly creeping to her system.

Meanwhile, Alexander was waiting for her at the living room as they would have coffee together. He prepared the hot drinks and joined Natalia who was standing quietly in front of the glass windows.

"The fall of that family was already set along time ago." Alexander uttered in a serious tone and stared at the horizon.

"My men in the media industry will do whatever you will instruct them. All of them are at your disposal." The husband stated as he approached the lovely woman who has been silent since they arrived home.

Natalia suddenly pulled Alexander and gave him a wet kiss. The man was shocked to his core.

"Natalia, what are you doing?" Alexander said breathlessly.

"I'm giving you a heart attack." The woman slurred. Her face was very tinted and moved tipsily.

"A what?..."

"A friend told me that this attire will make you suffer. I'm avenging oneself because of the scene earlier. Don't you ever touch another woman again..." Natalia mumbled and pulled his head down and kissed him with burning desire.

"You're not yourself..." Alexander gently pushed her away but his eyes were caught up with the sexy lingerie the moment his wife took off the robe. Natalia was exceptionally tempting wearing only a tiny red clothe which barely covered her chest.

Alexander, "...."

The wife suddenly jumped on her husband and instinctively, he held her soft thighs and willingly responded to the woman.

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