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Turquoise and black is what surrounds the knight as she calmly awakens. The waves of the lake next to her licking her right hand.

She sits up, putting her dry hand on her forehead and bringing her knees closer to herself.

What is going on?

But most importantly.

Where is she?

With a sigh, she recollects what happened to her the day before.

She may have died, which would explain the reason why the lake next to her seems to be cut in half, one of its surfaces floating with a 40° angle, defying gravity.

In fact, everything surrounding her seems broken with bits of the environment levitating with a turquoise energy.

The knight stands up and starts walking in a random direction, hoping to find someone able to tell her where she is.

She walks and walks, skipping over the turquoise cracks littering the ground.

Cyan smoke flies above and around her.

'Souls' the girl remarks in her head.

She puts a hand on her stomach, rubbing her thumb against the surface of her chestplate as she suddenly feels hungry.

But there does not seem to be any kind of food around here.

She resolves herself to keep forward, at some point she might leave this place.

She passes through a broken building, the floor replaced by a pit of ominous energy. It moves like slowed down flames.

A tired voice can be heard in the distance, a soft tippy tapping following.

A little creature comes out of behind an upside down house and locks its purple tired eyes on the knight, three little balls of smoke floating silently behind it.

It approaches her, tippy tapping rapidly on its short legs to reach the girl faster as the oversized sleeves of its hoody dragging on the ground.

The creature stops right before the knight, it's long pointy purple and turquoise ears picking out of its hood.

The creature talks a language the knight does not understand, but at least she know that the creature is a 'she'.

The girl tries to make a sound but nothing comes out of her mouth.

The little being sighs before resuming her route, disappointed by the lack of interaction with the silent knight.

Said knight stares at her as she leaves, her shadow glaring at her...?

The silent knight turns back to the three orbs before her, making them seemingly flinch before they rapidly float back next to the creature.

Looking at her hands, the girl frowns, they are black.

Not black like the skin color or her armor, but black like a shadow, except for the shape of her body, no detail can be seen.

She kneels and approaches one of the cracks on the floor to see if the light makes the details visible, but it does not work. She then makes a simple mirror appear in her hand to see her face.

But it is just all black, only two golden ovals shining where her eyes should be. Squinting her eyes or blinking does not seem to change their shape, visibly keeping them open at all time.

If it was not for her condition, she would be frowning uneasily, wondering if she had died.

It would not be a surprise if what she remembers of the day before ends up being true.

She continues walking in the same direction as before.

She has nothing else to do anyway.

The Lost KnightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя