Not so nice welcome

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"Who are you looking for miss?", she said in a cold voice.
"W-well I w-wwanted to meeet you" I replied visibly shaking.
"Oh you're the employee that was hired two days ago to start work today"

"Umm, yes ma" I replied still trembling

"I'm sorry, your post have been given to a more serious minded fellow, you could go home and continue with whatever thing that made you late"

For a while I thought I was daydreaming,
"Was I just fired??" I asked myself briefly.
I was once again interrupted when I heard the lady shout "YAH, are you deaf of something, I said "GET OUT".

I slowly walked out of her office,almost crying, I wasn't only mad but also frustrated. I've applied for a job in this company for over ten times, but when I got it I screwed up so bad.

I sighed as I went into the elevator to make my way out of here.

The elevator door was already closing when all of a sudden, it opened up again.

I lifted my face and saw the interviewer lady.
I was utterly confused, she then muttered "You're hired"

Hold up.........

I'm what........


OMG, I was so relieved, I quickly stepped out of the elevator. I asked her " Ma'am why did you change your mind"

She just looked at me and said "Go over to the waiting room, it is down the hallway, the door by the left,next to a glass door, someone would assign you to your department"

Thank y.., but before I finished the sentence she already walked out.

WELL WHATEVER, At least I got my job back, but hold up, why did she change her mind, that's pretty sus.

But whatever, let's forget it and just rejoice I got my job back.

Going on
I did as the lady said and went over to the waiting room. I waited in there for more than 2 hours, that's until some descent looking man came up to me and asked "Are you Sophia Johnson"

I carefully replied "O-oh yes, that's me".
"Follow me" he said

I noiselessly got up picked up my bag and followed him.

He took me to the W.U.T department and first of all introduced me to everyone there and then showed my desk.

I must say I'm impressed.

I got a quite nosy desk mate, she has literally been bothering my life since I stepped into the office. Asking me and telling me irrelevant things. Apparently it's my first day of work and I guess, I gotta leave a good impression. So, I just pretended to listen to her while she was whailing on how her boyfriend broke up with her after a 4 months relationship.

Like SMH🙄🙄

After I guess an hour and a half, we were informed to go over to the cafeteria for food.

Phewww, after this long boring day, I'm finally going to eat some yummy snacks,(which if you don't know always lightens up my day).

Following the directional manual I was given, I got to the cafe and mehn,it looked like a five star hotel.

I quickly walked over to the counter and got my food, and I must say it was pretty good.

After munching enough food, I went back to my department and just sat there doing absolutely nothing.

IT was finally time to end work for that day, although this company pays well, the work in it is massively stressful.


I got back down to the first floor, signed out and left, I called a taxi and started our ride home.

Apparently the taxi driver as well was quite nosier than I thought, so I just stayed quite almost throughout the drive.

When I reached home, I saw my parents standing infront of my little gate.

I happily walked up to them and gave both of them a big hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2021 ⏰

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