Chapter 10

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No nightmares crept upon you. The evening was wonderfully peaceful as Demiurge remained curled up in a protective embrace with you throughout the night. Even if he was well aware the spell would work, he refused to leave your side.

The evening chill made you tremble through the night. However, thanks to the constant warmth that the devil emitted, you found yourself warmed. There were times you'd wake up and try to change positions. Anytime you did so, Demiurge would rouse in an instant, or his voice would sweetly call out to you in a subtle whisper.

"Are you all right?"

Hearing the low drum of his voice was welcoming, even if it had only been a few days you had been beside him. With his twin brother coming after you, it was nice to be reminded you had Demiurge at your side.

"Just fine," you whispered back.

You never really openly reciprocated Demiurge's emotions towards you. It was... hard... hard to go from being completely alone in a village full of kind people you knew, to a desert full of demons with the king of them lusting after you. The people that lived in his kingdom were indifferent to your existence from what you could make out of about the castle market. They knew who you were and only respected you based on that title.

Would they ever respect you beyond being a mere human meant to breed with the Demon King?

With how Demiurge's eyes usually were, it was difficult to ever tell when he had them opened. He squinted them so much, they almost appeared closed. Hesitantly, you reached over to touch his cheek just to be tender in kind.

A gentle hum trembled in his throat, mutely expressing his confusion in the act before speaking. "Did you require something?"

"Oh, uh... no. Not really," you murmured.

"Why are you touching me as this then?"

He was looking for a specific answer, that you could tell. At times, it was hard to remind yourself that demons and humans had different ways to show affection and the like. Perhaps doing such a thing as this was meant to lead into other things. You felt your face warm with embarrassment.

"I-I, umm.. it's just a human thing we sometimes do to show we care or are looking after the other person," you explained in haste. "Did I do something wrong there?"

Demiurge's nostrils flared as he expelled a sigh through them. It wasn't one out of annoyance, but merely disappointment. "Ah. No, not at all, my dear. I was merely expecting you to open up to the idea of allowing me to breed with you is all."

A single touch encouraged that emotion? That was a bit confusing. "Should I not touch you like that again? Humans do that to just kind of be close to the other and check in on the person beside them. You know—show we care about the one with us."

His pointed ears twitched. "Demons rarely touch the other unless they have something in mind or danger is about," he explained to you. His metal tail swished about under the covers cautiously. "The main reason for such, is you never know what could be considered arousing to the demon breed, and even as is, each breed can have a specific tender spot that's not meant to be caressed unless by a mate or a potential mate."

Hearing such a thing, your heart fluttered in a race that nearly left you breathless. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't trigger anything, did I?"

Demiurge stifled a laugh as he shook his head. "Mine is under the base of my tail," he explained without hesitancy. "If you were to caress my tail in general, however, I would assume that is you wishing to breed with me."

You swallowed the knot in your throat. "Oh, I see..."

"Do you have anything in particular on you that is the same?"

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