Epilogue II

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We were sitting in the first row. His hand was gripping on mine and they were sweaty and clammy. As seconds passed by, his grip only became tighter. His breathing was heavy and lips dry as he was intently watching in front.

I leaned in to reach for his ear, "Relax" I whispered. He did not reply and gulped his expectant fear.

"And the grammy for best pop dup/group goes to.."

It was at this moment that I myself lost my calm as my grip receprocated his force equally and my eyes closed, praying for their success. Fuck, my heart was racing at a pace fast enough to break my ribs.

"B.. T.. S.."

I could hardly contain my delight. Feeling like my feet barely touched the ground. Excitement comes as inner sunshine to brighten my eyes and soul. As a result of increased height of the euphoria I felt and the adrenaline, I yelled and even though the whole crowd was cheering mine shouting was distantly audible. I yelled and cooed so hard that my eyes were moist.

I looked at him and he was in awe. I didn't wanted to pop his little bubble of happiness but I was too excited to think of anything. I shook him vigorously, "Tae!! Its no time to day dream. Its the day your dream came to life!" I was shaking him and shouting.

He finally looked at me and I knew the dubiety in his eyes so, I simply nodded. Every member started getting up from his seat to proceed to the stage and this man was sitting there. Like really, looking deadpan into my soul.

"Get up you idiot!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear and finally he got up, joining everyone in their procession to the stage. I was so nervous, my hand caressed my tummy, slightly whispering, "you see baby, daddy made it." My smile had the power that it could go out of my face and even though it was now hurting to smile that broad, I cannot help.

When they were recieving the award, my excitement took toll over me,  standing and yelling. Embarrassing, am I? Who cares? I am more than happy to think about it cause my husband loves it. And I know it cause as soon as he looked at me, his expression switched from a nervous and emotional one to the one with that boxy smile.

I was almost jumping to put out my joy, my eyes glistening by the tears of exhilaration. Every member gave their speeches and I listened to all of them, still standing to contain myself. And then it was Tae's turn.

As he walks up, my blood wakes up my brain, though I thought myself already awake. My smile grows of its own accord and I can either calm myself down or hear him, I decided on hearing him and letting my heart go crazy.

He was nervous, obviously, and looking at him, I can tell his throat is so full for words. He looked at me and I instantly felt my stomach flip, sorry my baby, your dad is driving me insane.

"Mom, Dad, Army, Kaylie. We made it."

That's all he said. I know he wanted to say so much but his tears took over his speech and they said a lot more than words could ever express. Jungkook's speech proceeded. They all kept it short and as they were returning I could watch how the tears were smudging the outline of his eyes and red hue covered his face. Jungkook hugged him who himself was on the verge of letting his heart out.

Yoongi held the trophy and Jimin and J Hope were on either side of him looking at the award with glistening eyes. Namjoon and Jin were also talking to each other, a big smile on each one's face. God, please stop this moment here. Happiness. Contentment. Beatitude.

As they were approaching me, I rushed towards them, congratulating them with a slight hug. To be very honest, sorry don't hate me, I wanted to run straight away to Taehyung who was coming like a sloth. I could not take it any longer as I ran towards him, unfortunately and embarrassingly, my heels deceived me as I tripped on them but instead on the cold floor, I landed in his warm arms.

He sighed heavily as he pulled me up, "Are you crazy? Be careful." His teary eyes bore fury but I simply flashed a smile and took the hug I was yearning for. And he hugged me back instantly, inspite of being angry.

"Look at you being all clumsy" he said, with a little anger and a greater consern, still hugging me. His head was snuggling in the crook of my neck as I felt a warm liquid soak my shirt.

"You like it anyway. So, I don't care." I whispered and I could tell the way he buried his head on my shoulder that he was flustered.

His hug is stronger than anything I've ever known. In that moment of feeling him so close I am awake somehow, more alive than I have ever been. For there are times I am as a butterfly who yearns for the cocoon, to be safe within walls, protected and contained. That's what I feel. It calms me down. For in this world, this is our gold, our food and pure rain... it is the love that makes everything else possible.

He whispered in my ear and I could fear the tingling sensation, "You are hug-tastic, and there is no finer praise. The love you give is free and that makes it priceless." I got goosebumps by his coarse and deep voice as we parted from each other's embrace.

He pecked me quickly on the cheek and rushed back for the group hug. It all happened so fast that I could not respond as I was stoned in that position.


I shook my head to gain back my composure and looked at him, beaming brightly as he was hugging the group members. The proud smile on Namjoon's face, the adorable laugh of Jin, J-Hope's irresistible aura, Suga's shy gummy smile, Jimin's cute eye smile, Jungkook's lovely bunny smile seemed like my universe was shining so brightly that it was almost blinding.

They looked at me all together taking me out of the spell I was bounded to. A little space was created in the little circle, Jin gesturing me to be a part of it. And without any second thought I joined them exuberantly.

This was my abditory, an idyllic setting.

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