Chapter 13

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Nate POV

The next morning I woke up on Kai's bed and I saw I was holding the letter to my heart. I read it again I was feeling a little better. The next 5 days went by and every day 4 times at least I read the letter. The final match is in 3 days deep down I'm praying for him to show up so I can cheer for him but more than that I want to be in his arms.

I don't wait for their practice I always return home so I can sit and read the letter.

"Baby please come back I need you I want you with me please come back." I kissed the letter and fell asleep.

I felt someone playing with my hairs I hummed I felt someone kiss my forehead then nose then cheeks then eyelids then lips. I opened my eyes and saw Felix sitting. I wish this was true I pouted and closed my eyes. I felt lips on my pouted lips again and my eyes widened . Is this real?

"Is this real?" He chuckled.

"Yes baby." I cried. He's here.

"Sshh baby don't cry please." I sobbed he held me in his arms. "I'm sorry baby I will never leave you again I promise." He pulled me on his lap.

"Promise y-you're r-real?" I whispered.

"I promise." After what looks like 20 minutes I finally stopped crying I pulled away.

"Don't you dare leave me again p-please."

"Never baby." He kissed my lips. How much I missed this lips. And in next 10 minutes we were on bed naked. After 2 hours of making love we slept.


I woke up but my eyes were closed I was scared opening my eyes for this not to be real. I felt him move. He is really here. I opened my eyes saw my handsome boy I placed kisses all over his face and he held me tight.

"You really are here." I cried again. Seems like I have become a cry baby. After we had shower we changed I texted our friends saying "I'm sick" in 5 minutes they were here I asked Felix to hide.

"Little guy what happened?"

"Let's call the doctor."

"Nate what's wrong?"

I laughed at their concern voices they looked at me as if I had lost it. All of a sudden Felix jumped front of them they screamed and fell on their butt I giggled.

"What the hell." They stood and had group hug squeezing Felix I giggled and they called me I ran and they squeezed us both.

Later that night we all sat together on my bed and I was sitting between Felix's legs and he wrapped his arms around me and I lean back on his chest and he placed his chin on my head.

"Do you know someone went mute on us?" God complains started.

"And stopped eating."

"Kept crying to sleep."

"Didn't leave the room in days."

"Never smiled."

The list went on. I pouted my boyfriend seemed sad. He lifted my head and pecked my lips.

"I'm sorry baby but I'm never leaving again." I nodded my head. "But please never do all that again even if I wasn't here doesn't mean I want you to cry and be broken."

"Then never leave me please." My tears were about to fall.

"Never again." He assured me. I wanted to tell him but how do I know what he feels about me.

"I love you." Wait was it me? Or him? Or did we say it together? My eyes widened I chewed my lower lip and he chuckled and the guys started making aw sounds I hid my face behind my hands.

"I love you so much baby." He moved my hands and kissed both my palms.

"I-I love you too." I said shyly my face was red. He pecked my lips.

"NetFlix stop eating each other while we're here." I looked at Kai.

"Netflix?" He chuckled.

"Ya Net as in Nate and Flix as in Felix so together NetFlix." I giggled and Felix rolled his eyes and Aiden and Nolan laughed.

"Baby what happened when you were gone?" Now all became serious and sat quiet. Felix sighed.

"The reason I never spoke to you about my parents because they were never the parents any kid wants." He paused and seems like I'm the only one didn't know about this and its fair because these are his childhood friends. "Since I was a kid uncle Jason took care of me , I was raised by uncle Jason not my mother or father. When I was 13 they decided to separated but they didn't divorce for my sake not that it effects anything.

And I had to choose to stay between either father or mother and I chose uncle Jason and since uncle Jason worked for my father I stayed with my father. But I hardly saw my father and whenever he shows up and takes me with him saying he needs father-son bond but he leaves me in hotel room and he goes to work.

One day I was back and I was crying when Kai showed up and I told him what happened only after he forces me to. Nolan , Aiden it was never like I choose saying him and not you guys first it just he always show up when I need a shoulder to cry and he's the brother I don't have.

After that I never saw my father I sometimes think about leaving the place and getting a small apartment for myself , I even tried but my father's manager came and said I wasn't allowed to leave the so called house. After last month was first time in 5 years me seeing my father.

After Nate leaves my father took my phone and asked me to follow him , I did and we got in his car and I suddenly knew I will be going with him but I didn't wanted to leave Nate so I begged him to give me my phone so I call Nate he said not now. I have no control in front of him.

After that we got to his Jet and flied to god knows where. I was so pissed and I saw we were in LA and we got to the hotel room after a week of staying alone I tried contacting Nate or anyone of you but he made sure no one gives me a phone not even strangers outside. I started writing two letters one for Nate one for uncle Jason I knew he will help me.

It was hard to leave the hotel room some how I managed and went to post it but they said it wont be posted anytime soon I was fine with it I told them to post it as soon as possible.

Another week passed then another till I knew the reason we were there. They were finally getting divorce. We had to go to the court and I got to know that my mother wanted 50% of he's share and she blackmailed him if he didn't she would kill me or whatever so he spend most of the time protecting me not that I wanted his protection.

My mother was taken to jail for blackmailing people since my father wasn't her first victim. After all this was done my father gave me my phone and a ticket to come here , he said and I quote 'go back to your little lover boy he needs you' and here I am. I didn't bring my self to go anywhere before seeing you baby. I asked uncle Jason to take my things home so I come here." I wrapped my arms around his neck I sniff after listening what all he went through he held me tight. "I'm never leaving you again baby , you have no idea how much I missed you." He sobbed I pulled back and took his face in my small palm and wiped his tears with my thumbs and pecked his lips.

"I missed you more , we all did."

Since I Laid My Eyes On You (BxB)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon