5. Tides of Change

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  Of course, things never stay good forever, and it was time for Harry to finally begin changing things. It had been a measly few hours since Sirius' trial had ended, and the wizarding world was practically boiling. And Rita Seeker was having a field day.


You heard that right, my dear readers! It was only this morning that I received word that Sirus Black, a former close friend of the Potters that had been arrested under suspicion that he had betrayed his friends to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, in fact, never received a proper trial. This morning Lord Black was brought before the Wizergamont after an investigation was done on his case by Miss Amelia Bones, the head of the Auror Department. Upon being administered Veritaseum, Sirius Black confessed he had never been the Secret Keeper for the Potter couple. At Headmaster Dumbledore's suggestion, it was decided that Black would be an obvious target for the Death Eaters, due to his and the Potters' friendship being widely known, as such, the chosen Secret Keeper was Peter Pettigrew, a man that was suspected to have been dead up until today.

   So how is it that this great injustice happen? Why has Albus Dumbledore not said a thing all this time, despite it having been confirmed that he knew of Black's innocence? Can the Ministry truly be trusted if they sentence people to Azkaban without even a trial? (more details on pages 2-4)

 A low chuckle reverberated in the brightly lit dining room, causing the little which to raise her eyes curiously, her colorful alphabet cereals momentarily forgotten. Henry leaned against his chair leisurely, throwing his head back as more laughter bubbled up in his chest from just imagining the face the Hogwarts Headmaster must've made upon receiving the paper that morning. It must've been glorious.

"Why are you laughing, papa?"Hannah tilted her head, giving her adoptive father a quizzical look. Henry only gave her a small mischievous smirk in reply and leaned over the corner of the table, ruffling her raven locks affectionately.

"Don't worry about it, little fawn. Papa is just happy things are going as they should."

 Although unsatisfied with the cryptic response the little girl just shrugged, already used to his schemes and strange personality to not attempt to pry further, and returned to her breakfast. Henry watched fondly as the child stuffed her cheeks with the sweet cruncies until she resembled a squirrel and let out a contempt sigh, picking at his own meal. Things were without doubt going as he planned, but this was where the hardships would truly begin.

"You're going to teach me how to ride a broom today, right? Right?"

 Henry turned his attention back to the beaming witch who was happily bouncing her little feet while munching away. He pondered the thought for a bit, trying to come up with an answer that would be able to please her, but there was simply no time today, not with everything going on. he felt horrible for having to shatter her expectations. 

"I'm sorry, little fawn , today I'm very busy, how about we do that some other time."Seeing Hannah's face fall sightly he was quick to add, "Let's wait until the weekend, then I'll have all the time to teach you how to fly. I'm sure you will be great at it." His encouragement and promise brought a cheeky smile to the girl's face.

 "I'm going to become even better than you, I'm going to be the best flyer in the world!", she proclaimed, thrusting her spoon into the air.

"Oh yeah, even better than me? Well then, you're going to have to be faster than a dragon, like I am!", he taunted back playfully.

"What!?"Hannah quickly jumped from her chair, pointing her spoon at the man accusingly. "There's no way you can fly faster than a dragon, I bet you're just making it up!"

 With an impish grin he put his newspaper away and lifted the girl into the air. He brought her to his chest and began ticklying her, before he flicked his wand, closing all of the curtains and engulfing the room in darkness. With another swish Henry lit the candles on the table, giving the room an eery feeling, before he placed Hannah on the chair in front of him so that the two were facing each other.

"Actually, I did fly and win against a dragon." his finger wiggled suggestively, as he began to speak in a lowered voice. "There I was, only fourteen years of age and tasked with stealing the egg from an enormous Hungarian Horntail with nothing but my wand on me...."

  Henry spent more than half of his morning telling Hannah stories before a house elf interrupted them, reminding the man that he had to make a trip to the Wizergamont in relation to Sirius' case. Reluctantly he paused the tales, with the promise of continuing them another time and left the house, using the Flu Network to arrive straight at to his destination. 

 The solicitor he had hired, along with Amelia Bones and Sirius Black were waiting for him in the Head of the DMLE's office. The former two were throwing suspicious glances at the tall, dark robed wizard, but Mister Cambell, greeted him politely, thus they followed suit, each introducing themselves.

"I am the Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Bones." The woman stiffened when Henry gave her a protocolary greeting by kissing her knuckles. She was not used to being given such a greeting, Henry reasoned mentally, observing as the woman avoided his gaze and her ears turned slightly pinkish.

"Sirius Black" The animagus stated coldy when his turn came.

 He looked pale and haunted, but he had been able to wash himself, comb his hair and change into clean clothes, so he looked much more sane than when Henry had first met him in his third year. His heart clenched at the bitter thought of the condition his godfather had been in at that time, but he didn't show it merely giving the man a cordial if slightly forced smile.

 "Greetings Lord Black, Madam Bones and Mister Cambell. As you may or may not be aware of, I am Lord Peverell, then man who required that Lord Black receive a second trial-"

"Why though? What is it that you get out of this?" Sirius quickly cut in, narrowing his eyes. He was sure as all hell he didn't know any Lord Peverell, and by the looks of it he must've known something to request that he be granted a second trial. There was no doubt the sophisticated man before him was the reason why he was even out of that wretched place and without him Sirius might've been stuck in there forever, but there were just too many things he didn't know about this man. He couldn't help being suspicious, after all, he had grown up surrounded  by pureblod folk, something the former convict had no doubt the man was a part of, and he knew that none of their decisions came without a reason. There would be a price to pay for this favor, Sirius was sure about it.

 Henry had just opened his mouth when he was yet again interrupted by a knock at the door, and their fifth and final guest coming in the room. He gave a benevolent smile at the man, stepping aside, as to let him reach his beloved friend easier.

"Remus?" Sirus stammered out, leaping into the werewolf's embrace and clinging to him like he was the last thing keeping him alive.

!DISCONTINUED! Guardian of Death [A Harry Potter Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now