- Chapter 35 -

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My alarm sounds through my bedroom. As quick as I can, I stretch out my arm to grab my phone from the nightstand. Surprisingly I've woken up before my first alarm. Well, technically, I needed to pee but couldn't bring myself to roll a sleeping Cole off of me. He looks so peaceful; lost in whatever dream he's having. Not that I've been a full-on creep watching him. Ok, maybe I have. But I can't help it. Every time I try to move his arm off from around my waist, he lets out a breathy groan and holds me firmer in place.

Using one hand I lightly stroke the back of his head and neck while switching off my many alarms with my other hand.

"Morning," Cole says in a gravelly sleep voice.

I smile down at him. "Morning."

"Too early." Closing his eyes, Cole buries his face in my hair and the nook of my neck.

"Sorry, I need to pee."

Not moving his head or opening his eyes, Cole shakes his head in protest to me moving.

After a few groans, I manage to wiggle out of his hold. Picking up my discarded clothes from last night I quickly get dressed. I turn in his direction to tell him I'll be back, expecting him to have his eyes closed but nope. Their wide open and staring at me.

I try to think of something witty to say to him and his ogling stare but my mind goes blank. Instead, I strut over and lean in to give him a quick kiss on the lips. A single kiss wasn't enough for him as he pulls me down back into bed.

Straddling his torso, I don't dare to move lower. He's completely naked but his bottom half is hidden under my blankets. Cupping the side of my face, he guides me down, meeting his lips against mine.

Damn it. I really need to pee.

Breaking away from him for the second time this morning, I hurry toward the door.

"Shit." I hear Cole mutter when I turn into the corridor.

Crossing my legs and bouncing in place I ask him what's wrong. He tells me that his phone has died and he didn't bring a charger with him. Pointing to my nightstand, "Use my charger it's in the top draw."

"Ok thanks. Do you have the time?"

Without turning, I instruct Cole to check my phone. Once I've used the toilet, washed my face and brushed my teeth I head into the kitchen to get the both of us a glass of water. More so for Cole in case he has a hangover. It doesn't appear that he does but I thought I'd bring it just in case.

"Have company?" Jocelyn's voice startles me. Popping her head up to look at me from the sofa. I hadn't noticed her laying there.

"No-yes. Cole. Cole's here." I point to my door behind me. "In my room...sleeping." Why am I nervously rambling. "We had a sleepover." And, why can't I stop?

"Sleepover?" Jocelyn laughs out. "Are you in high school?"

Wow ok, but at least her comment roasting me has stopped me from blurting out more unnecessary things. I ball up a small amount of kitchen towel and aim for Jocelyn's head. Brushing past me she lifts herself on the worktop, crossing her legs.

"I just mean he stayed the night." Avoiding eye contact with her as I trudge over to the sink and begin to fill a glass of water.

"I heard," Jocelyn says quietly but I heard that loud and clear and I'm mortified.

"What?" I can feel the heat in my cheeks.

Raising her brows, she smirks. "Nothing."

Unsure on whether I want to probe for what she meant in fear of the answer I swiftly decide to change the topic of conversation. "Is Eden still asleep?" The truth is I know she isn't asleep because I heard her leave while I laid awake in bed. But it was the first thing that came to my head.

What could have been.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant