Chapter Fifteen | Marlboro Nights |

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Trigger warning: mentions of suicide

After Neil's performance the group waited for him outside. Pitts had his arm wrapped around Kara as they and Meeks excitedly talked about how well Neil had done.

Cameron, Knox, and Chris were off near the back. Knox was avoiding Elle knowing he was in trouble for being late to Neil's play.

Elle stood beside Todd nervously chewing on her thumb nail while looking around the exiting crowd.

Todd watched curiously until Charlie finally grabbed ahold of her hand. "What's the matter love?"

Elle sighed out looking at the both of them, "I saw Neil's dad in the audience. He didn't look very happy, I swear if he ruins this for Neil I will cut off his-" For everyone's sake Todd made the wise decision of covering Elle's mouth before she continued her long and odd threat.

"Relax Ellie, we're here after all. Just focus on congratulating him so much he'll be annoyed." Charlie beamed, wrapping his arm around her. Elle nodded unconvinced, learning her head on his shoulder.

Not a moment later the group saw Mr. Perry exit followed by Neil. They all cheered and called for him trying to get his attention but he kept behind his father.

"Neil?" Todd calls out to him, but all he receives is a sad smile in return. "I can't guys," he looks at Todd longingly.

They continued to chase after him until Mr. Keating finally caught up to him. "Neil! Neil! You have the gift!" He holds onto his arms stopping him.

"What a performance! You left even me speechless. You have to stay with-" Mr. Keating is interrupted by Mr. Perry pulling Neil away from him, "get in the car."

"Did he just? I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna chop off each finger individually for each time he puts his hands on Neil. No, I'm gonna cut off each section of each finger-" Elle took a step forward pointing at Mr. Perry, only to get pulled back by Charlie wrapping his arms around her.

She was quick to grab Meeks' wrist before he could cover her mouth, "don't you even think about it. That threat can apply to you too." Meeks was quick to back down from her glare.

"Keating, you stay away from my son." Mr. Perry sneered at Mr. Keating before going to his car.

Charlie grabbed Elle's hand, pulling her with him as he ran to the car, "Neil! Neil! Mr. Perry, come on!"

Mr. Keating tries to stop them, but Elle slips away still trying to get to Neil. She was worried after seeing the look of defeat on Neil's face. All she wanted to do was to tell him how good he had done, how proud they all were.


"Come on," Elle grabbed Todd and Charlie by their arms, pulling them away from the group. Todd tripped a bit trying to catch up to pace looking at her confusedly.

"What? Where are we going? Weltons that way." He pointed to the group with his free hand.

Kara and the others stopped as they also seemed confused as to why they weren't following.

Elle gave a look to Kara which she seemed to understand right away, directing the others back to the school.

"We are going to check on Neil," Elle explains, still dragging Todd along, while Charlie willingly follows.

"How? You saw his father, he would never let us see Neil." Todd tries pulling on his arm, not seeing this going well.

Elle stops, and turns to Todd. "Look, I saw it, I know you saw it too. Somethings up with Neil, and it's giving me a real bad feeling. I just want to check on him. If I have to sneak in to do it I will." Elle stared at him determined. A moment later Todd took a deep breath and gestures for her to lead the way.

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