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You: Lmao 12yr old roleplayers

Jeff: *Kills (Best/Friend)*

You: ...aight.

Me: Contemplating if i'm gonna do a
        Jeff-hate villain arc for the reader

🇪 🇾 🇪 🇱 🇪 🇸 🇸
🇯 🇦 🇨 🇰

The silence was unbearable. I could've swear that my inner self almost wished to be back at the hell hole. I seriously hate being with this guy.

I fiddled with the scalpel in hand and just then, he started swinging his legs back and forth. I piped my head over him and saw him still eerily staring at me.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with Sally nor her looks but when it's switched up like this, Sam Willams is really bad acting up like this.

To the point he won't be aware that he's been staring at all. His mind wonders somewhere sometimes- no, always.

I got a private message with him earlier and he said that we should meet up and talk. In reasons that he wants to get closed to me.

I declined but he manage to track me and now we're here.

"Who's your most hated person?" he suddenly piqued. What an odd choice of question. Though it's not like it's asking me to be real specific. "The ones who brought me to this point." that left out rather cold.

He sent me a warm smile with his both eyes closed. "Mhm. I hate Slenderman." and that is what I call a bold statement. "Why is that?" I mused, even if alot hates that 'operator' as the proxies call, no one dares to straight up say that. Unless they're Jeff or Zalgo.

His green eyes dulled but the ghostly smile stayed behind. "He was using Sally. To lure kids into his trap.... If Sally isn't naïve, she'll know." ofcourse, it's still about Sally. I wonder how could he care about her when she's the one who killed him.

Another wave of silence longed in the air, waiting to be breaked. But the awfully familiar 'ting' sparked out for a new topic. But I wasn't just gonna randomly speak. It's not like establishing a good companionship with a ghost will help my situation with another.

I opened my phone and saw a message from.. That delusional man once again.

𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰

Grande Willow
I asked Splendorman to
teach me how to make
my audience smile

Can you guess what
he performed


I couldn't guess,
can you tell me?

Im so curious.

Grande Willow
He told me to smile
more and it worked

He's such an amazing
magician sadly he
doesn't have much
audience as i have

Because you're the most
amazing out of all, no one
can match your skills.

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