Chapter 9

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Despite growing up with the life I was unfortunately given, I was always somehow able to push away the voices in my head and keep myself from becoming my mother. I was always able to distract myself with my own little games I liked to play with Oscar, my stuffed octopus. The only thing Vincent had ever given me. I don't know why I kept it for so long and I very much expected myself to burn the thing simply because of who gave it to me, but I never had the guts to do it.

Anyway, as I said before, I was always able to push away the horrible thoughts but right now I'm finding it very difficult not to strangle either myself, or someone else. Right now I'm sat at the end of the couch with my elbow propped up on the arm rest while three out of four boys argue in front of me.

As you know Sebastian convinced me to join them on their little day out with the promise of ice cream and chocolate whenever I wish throughout the day. I never thought I'd ever expect these words to come out of my mouth, but no amount of ice cream and chocolate is worth this.

"If you don't shut up right now, I'll be using your head as a bowling ball." I threatened as I kicked the back of Lucas' knee catching him off guard and sending him tumbling forwards to the floor.

The three of them burst out laughing at the sight of a furious Luca sprawled across the floor while I shot him back the same glare he was shooting me.

"Remind me why she's here again?" He snarled as he stood up and sat down opposite me while Sebastian snatched the ball from Alex and rushed over to throw it.

"Don't be rude to our guest Luca." Sebastian scolded as he threw the ball and successfully hit three out of ten bowling pins. "She'll use your head as a bowling ball." He sniggered as Luca's glare intensified while I rolled my eyes at his attempt to intimidate me.

"Can I go home now?" I asked knowing I can leave whenever I wish, yet a part of me keeps using the 'promise' I made to Sebastian as an excuse not to go. Yes, I admitted I'm using it as an excuse, big deal.

"No you can't, you promised the full day and it's hardly even been an hour." Sebastian whined as he sat next to me while Alex picked up a bowling ball.

"I'm going to the toilet." I said to no one specific as I stood up and made my way out of the booth and down the narrow hallway.

Just as I pulled open the door for the ladies toilets, I felt a hand pull my wrist backwards, pulling me away from the door and into a small dark room which I'm guessing is a store room.

Pulling my wrist away from the mysterious person, I shove whoever it was backwards and watch their dark silhouette stumble backwards and land on a bunch of empty boxes. I switched on the light and bawled my fists ready to throw a punch but was stopped by the sight of Gabriel groaning in pain.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I snarled as I crossed my arms and watched him struggle to get up.

"You didn't have to fucking push me." He growled as he stood up and took an 'intimidating' step towards me. It wasn't much of a step, I'd call it a shuffle considering how small the space is.

"Yeah, well you didn't have to fucking grab me, if you want to talk to me then use your mouth and not your hands." I glared as he rolled his eyes. If anything I should be the one rolling my eyes, not him. "Well? You've gone through all this trouble to 'talk' to me, are you not going to speak?" I said annoyed as he rolled his eyes once again.

"Whatever shit you're pulling with Seb, stop it." He said bluntly just as I put my hand on the doorknob to leave.

"What are you talking about? Don't tell me you're jealous of me." I mocked as he took another step forwards while I simply rolled my eyes. It takes a lot more than a shuffle to intimidate me.

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