Chapter 46

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"DAVID IS FLYING TO Florida to talk to you in person."

Avery's face dimmed. After reading Shelly's text, she had never felt the same anger she felt for David. Ethan's vision was immediately directed to Avery. He knew by the look on her face that she'd got the same message. After talking to David in Boston, he expected this action. He didn't expect the man to accept everything he'd said.

"Shelly messaged you? I got the heads-up from Art. I guess we're going to have a visitor." Ethan winked at Avery.

"He's making a big mistake in coming here," Avery said.

"I know, my love. He does not know what he's coming into." Ethan's voice was soothing.

He asked Ella in a whisper to see her nanny outside the bedroom. He needed to be alone with Avery. The hell he cared about was coming to see them whenever. His concern was to ensure Avery wouldn't feel stressed by the drama the man in her past would inevitably bring.

"I don't understand why he has to come and see me. I made things clear to him the last time we talked." Avery's breathing was long and loud.

When she went to get out of bed, Ethan stopped her. He moved to the other side of the bed and pulled her toward his chest.

"Relax. You don't have to explain anything to me. You've done nothing wrong. David's coming to you; he's the one who should have problems right now."

Avery sighed. "But... What does he want now? What did he tell you when you talked to him?"

Ethan lifted her chin and kissed her softly on the lips. He cupped her face and cleared his throat. "He didn't believe me, I guess. I told him I was going to propose and marry you."

"Why wouldn't he believe you?" Avery's brow furrowed.

"One of Boston's smartest lawyers wasn't smart at all. He's still imagining that you two are just on a break. I was right to think he still hadn't had his closure." Avery's mouth shivered. "What? Is he crazy?"

She felt Ethan's lips on hers. More prolonged and full of emotions. "He's still crazy for you, my love. But not as crazy as we are towards each other!"

Ethan tucked her hair at the back of her ears to fully visually her face. Then, slowly, he started kissing each part. He started from her forehead and eyelids to her nose, cheeks, jaw, and down to her lips. When their lips touched, she opened her mouth to give him access. Together, they felt the intense heat and connection they always had for each other.

After minutes of their lips and tongues battling, they paused, both gasping for breath. Their eyes still gazed at each other. It was their love signal. He was hers, and she was his. No words were needed because their actions meant only one thing: They were tied together in heart, mind, and soul.

Avery softly touched Ethan's cheek. "I'm yours, forever. I have never felt this way or loved someone as much as I've had for you now."

Ethan smiled and placed her lower lip in between his softly. "I love you more than you'll ever know. Nothing or no one can ever change that. What we have is something I will protect and cherish all my life."

When Avery smiled, her face revealed her sass. "If David thinks differently, I'll put him in his place. Even if I have to break his heart again."

"Why are you so feisty now, huh? I think my lips and tongue energize you, Mrs. James!"

"I like the sound of my new name." Avery winked and bit her lower lip. "I think I need you to refill my energy again."

"Do you, now?  It's your lucky morning. Finally, your husband-to-be is up to providing you with full service and add-ons. But, unfortunately, I think our little Bean is still asleep. So it's time we wake him up."

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