Part 5

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For the remaining 3 days, all I did was eat delicacies and stay in my room. It's better to take precautions after hearing that a killer is on the loose. Hyerin was curious on what me and the general talked about but she didn't mention it. I was glad she didn't because I'm pretty sure the general would have my head first if I ever spoke about this matter to anyone. It's probably top secret.

I laid down in bed hugging my pillow while I looked up at the ceiling. Tonight might be my last night here in the palace which I have grown accustomed to. The results will be out tomorrow but I didn't feel like saying goodbye to this place.

With that thought, I wore a comfortable long dress before sneaking out to go look for the general. I noticed that the general is not seen in the palace during the day but he's always doing stuff around night time. I might as well say my farewells because you never know, I might have failed.

I walked outside and towards the spot where the general's work room is at. There were guards in front of the building and I told them to tell him my name so he can let me in. Once they did I slowly made my way inside.

His study room was quite spacious where there was 2 tables. one had a big map on it and the other had books and papers stacked up. There, I saw him working away, writing down things I wouldn't even try to understand.

"Greetings General" I bowed to show my respects but he didn't even bother looking up. I stood there for a minute thinking he would stop writing, so when he didn't, I grabbed a chair from the first table and dragged it to where he was sitting. As I sat down and made myself comfortable, he finally acknowledged my presence.

"Are you usually this nosy and comfortable around others Lady Goeun?" he stared at me with those captivating eyes and I had to break eye contact before I broke into a blush.

"Only with you" I smiled before scanning the papers in front of him. "Do you ever sleep? I always see you doing work or running errands in the evening"

"Why are you here? Do you need me to protect you while you sleep?" he smiled rather mischievously for the first time and I now get why those ladies said they saw the gates of heaven open when they saw the crown prince.

"..ehem.. I was just here to say goodbye" I circled my finger slowly around the smooth surface of the table as shyness took in. I can't believe I came here just to say that.

"Bye?" He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"You know, since the results will come out tomorrow, I just wanted to be ready for it, just in case. You did help me back then and I thought it would be appropria.."

"You'll pass"

I suddenly stopped blabbering once I heard his voice. What does he mean by "You'll pass"?

"Did you secretly look at the scores? are you that powerful to be able to do that?"

"No, but considering you, you're probably smart enough to pass the first round." His words alone brought such reassurance in me, I felt confident again.

"But maybe not the second round" I bitterly scoffed as those words left his lips. He knew that stung me and I so wanted to wipe that annoying smug expression off of his face.

Okay then, two can play this game.

"I think I like your stoic expression better general. You look like one of those scary clown masks right now"

With the sweet taste of victory, I said my goodnights and left his room.

Mother would probably hate how I am acting around him. But, why does it feel so... nice?


Morning came and all of us were gathered together waiting for Court Lady Choi to come in. Hyerin was holding my hand out of nervousness. The other ladies either pretended to act fine while some were nervously fiddling around. There was a weird tension in the air that no one had the guts to break.

The door creaked open and in came Court Lady Choi carrying a single slip of paper that held the fate of all of us sitting here.

"Everyone stand up" she said and we all obeyed quietly.

"When I say your name, you can sit back down" Would the names being called mean that you succeeded? or is it the other way around?

"Kwon Nari"

"Kim Yooseul

"lim seyoung"

The more names she called out, the more nervous I became inside.

"Han Goeun"

I sat down after my name was called but still held Hyerin's hand. Once her name was called, I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I don't know if it was a good thing if our names were called but we were much happier to be together.

Once she finished reading the 15 names from the list, Court Lady Choi looked up and around the ladies that were still standing.

"Unfortunately, those who are standing, did not pass the first round"

I heard a few burst out in tears while some shook in anger.

"You all did amazing here and I'm proud of every single one of you. You will all make amazing wives to your future spouses and become better role models to the people out there. I hope you aren't too sad to hear this news today. You have a whole life ahead of you, so hold your chins up and walk out of here proudly, not thinking that you failed, but that you succeeded in trying."

Her words made me feel emotional as I felt sad to see them leave as well. The girls were all very nice and I guess I grew fond of them in such a short amount of time. Once the girls all standing left to pack up, I looked around the room once again.


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