Chapter 11

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It was nice talking to the lady. Mom, I think is what I am supposed to call her. She told my that I have six brothers! That is crazy! She also said my dad is coming with them. I am excited to meet them though.

She stayed for a while watching Peppa with me. Throughout she would ask me question like what my favorite color is and what my favorite animal is etc. To which I answer pastel pink and cats. Duh!

I got tired. So she told me to sleep and she will be back in a bit. So, I did. I just woke up. I was looking around the room to see if the lady, no, mom was back. I did not see her. I got a little sad. But then the door opened and I hoped it was mom, but it was just the doctor again. Ugh, she always asks the same questions over and over. Fan behavior.

"Mia, how are you feeling?" she asks

"Fine." is all I reply.

I feel like I have been here for years!! I just want to leave. With who I am not sure. Maybe Lya or Danny? Or mom? I am not sure who is supposed to take care of me next, but I am tired of being here.

"That is good. Everything looks good as well. The rest of your family is here. I think they believe you are sleeping so I'll tell them that you are awake." she states with a small smile.

I just nod my head. And just like that she leaves.

I am assuming by "rest of my family" she means my dad and brothers. I hope anyways. I wonder what they are going to be like. When I was talking to mom, she only mentioned them briefly telling me that they love me. Which I think is confusing since I have never met them and I told mom that too. She just laughed and said that they met me when I was really really small. I still did not get it, but another episode of Peppa was coming on so I just left it.

Speaking of Peppa. I looked over at the screen, um... tv? Yep, that sounds right. And nothing was playing. So, I looked around to try find the box that I saw the nurse, doctor, and mom used to control it. I see it at the end of the bed and start crawling, but get tangled when in my bed sheets. As I was trying to detangle myself, I hear the door open.

I look up and see the mom and behind her looks like these scary looking men. How embarrassing. I try to untangle myself from the sheets when I hear some laughing. I look back up again and see mom and the men laughing at me.

Ugh. I finally get myself out of the sheets and grab the box. But I do not actually know how to work it. I know push buttons here and there, but I don't know which ones. I was so focused on figuring it out. I forgot about the other people in the room.

"Mia, sweetie."

I hear someone call me. I look up and its mom. I am happy she is back. She was so nice.

"y-yes" I reply.

I hear a few noises after I said that, but I could not make it out.

"Did you have a good nap?" mom says again.

"Uh-huh. P-peppa?" I ask.

"Oh. Is that what you want? sure. Hand me the remote." She replied.

Remote? OH! The box. I do. But then I start looking around the room and spot the men again.

Francesco POV

We open the door and we see my princess all wrapped up in the sheets. She looks so cute. I think she heard us and looked up. OH MY. She looks so adorable. Her eyes are still are beautiful as I remember. They show how innocent and lovable she is. I think she got a little bit embarrassed from us walking in because her face got a little red which made her look even more adorable.

We are all just standing there watching her in all. She finally gets herself unwrapped from the sheets and swaps the remote. I think she forgot we were in the room because as soon as she get the remote she starts hitting different buttons and looks like she is concentrating so hard to get it to work. Her mouth opened a little and starts sticking out her tongue a little. So adorable. It reminds me of Tony and how he used to do that when he was younger. I think my wife can tell that it is a losing battle, so she decides to call her.

"Mia, sweetie." Maria states.

It looked like it got her attention. She looks up at all of us. She briefly swept over me and her brothers and looked directly as Maria. She has a sheepish look but replies with a simple yes. Her voice sounds so sweet and it is so soft. I want her to speak some more. My wife asks if she slept well and she replies pretty much with a simple yes and asks for Peppa. While asking she tilts her head to the left, looking like a little puppy confused. Awe. My wife already knew what she wanted so she goes over and helps with putting the show back on.

Since Maria was handling the remote and tv, Mia was able to actually look at us without any distractions. She looked so innocent and curious. My wife finally finished and turned the volume down low so we could speak.

"Mia." Maria calls out as she heads back toward us.

Mia just looks at her with a small smile and happiness dancing through her eyes when she is looking at my wife. I hope she will look at me like that.

"Remember when I was talking to you about your dad and brothers?" my wife continues.

Mia just nods.

"Well, these are them."

Mia looks back at us once again with a big smile on her face.

"H-hi." she says to all of us.

I feel like I just melted into a puddle.

"Hi, princess. I am your dad. And the people behind me are your brothers." I say as I walk closer to her.

I can hear the boy moving behind me trying to get closer to her as well.

"Boys, why don't you introduce yourself to her?" I say looking back at them.

"Hi, Fiore. I am Antonio or Tony and I am your oldest brother." Tony states with a small smile that is finally reaching his eyes.

I just smile at that.

"Ceci, I am Leonardo or Leo and I am your second oldest brother." Leo states with a soft voice and glossy eyes.

"I am so happy you're back, Stella. I am Santi. Your third oldest brother." Santi tells her looking like he found a piece of himself.

Next was Vince, but he seemed to still be in a state of shock. I am not surprised, but hopefully he snaps out of it. I think he is creeping out Mia a little by his stares. Because he does not speak Enzo does.

"Musa, I am Lorenzo or Enzo and this is my twin brother Vincenzo or Vince. We missed you so much" he states.

"AH! My petardo! I am Rocco" my youngest states with so much enthusiasm.

I think he is excited not just because his baby sister returned, but the fact he is not the baby of the family anymore. I looked at Mia as they were all introducing themselves, she looked a bit overwhelmed, but happy.

"U-um. I am M-mia. and I am five years old almost six." she states as she hold up her fingers looking proud of herself.



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