Chapter 1:

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'I'll see you later Mimi,' I yell up the stairs as I grab my car keys.

Today's the day I start at my new school in Stanford Hill. I've gone to a private school my whole life and I want my senior year to be normal. My father disappeared a long time ago and my mum is an actress, she's always travelling so she put me in a boarding school until I was 16. I then got moved to a private school.

I get into my white Range Rover, the only way I can afford something like this is because of the child support money my mum sends me.

I put the address into my gps and make my way to school. I get there and park my car and get out.

Groups of people are walking into the school building. A couple of basketball jocks throw each other a ball. A group of girls follow this girl with platinum blonde hair and bright pink nails who's texting on her phone.

I take a deep breath and make my way to the building. There's a security guard by the doors.

'Excuse me do you know where the front office is?' I ask. I read his name badge, Stanley Stevenson.

'Walk through this corridor and turn left,' Stanely replies.

'Thank you,' I walk into the building and walk down the corridor. I turn left and see a door. Main Office it says. I walk in.

A receptionist with black hair and icy blue eyes types away at a computer. Her hot red nails clack on the keyboard. She looks up at me.

'Can I help you?' She asks.

'I'm new and need my timetable.' I reply.

'Name?' She turns back to her computer.

'Dilara Cesaire,' I reply looking around the room.

'Kai Johnson report to the main office,' She speaks into the microphone on her desk. 'Kai Johnson report to the main office.' She hands me two pieces of paper.

'Your timetable and locker number,' She says. The door opens and a boy with blonde hair and hazel eyes walks in. This must be Kai. He was one of the basketball jocks throwing the ball around.

'Thank you,' I say.

'This is Kai Johnson, he'll be showing you around.' she says. Kai and I walk out of the office and close the door behind us.

'I'm Dilara Cesaire,' I say extending my hand.

'Kai Johnson,' he shakes my hand. 'Since I'm showing you around we get to miss the first two periods.' He winks at me.

'I'd like to go to my locker first,' I say as we walk down the corridors.

We pass a cabinet of trophies and pictures of the basketball and cheerleading team.

'This is your locker,' Kai says.

I put in my locker pin and open it up. I put in my bag and then look at Kai smiling.

'I'm ready for the tour.' I say.

'Ok.' Kai responds.

We walk through the corridor of lockers and out the back doors. I see a huge basketball pitch with bleachers surrounding it.

'This is the basketball court.' Kai says. 'I'm one of the lucky people on the team.'

'That's cool.' I reply. We walk back into the building and walk into a huge room.

'This is the cafeteria, the food is decent.' Kai laughs.

'I just hope it's better then my old school's.' I reply.

DilaraNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ