Chapter Twenty One

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It got very awkward around the compound for a while, nobody really knew what to say to each other so if it wasn't something to do with the case, then we didn't speak. It's been a couple of months and this case seems to just get harder, and Light seems to be weirder. It's so confusing, he acts like he doesn't know he is kira, is if Kira is someone else completely different. " Hey we got a lead" Matsuda said walking in the room, " Looks like the man behind Kira is a very wealthy buisness man". I picked up the folder and flicked through it " Seems like it" I mumbled " Now all we have to do is see if our lead is right" L spoke up " What do you suppose we do?". " Well he's a buisness man in the entertainment industry, I think we should set up a meeting for him to meet Misa. I can be her manager and we can trick him into spilling something". " That's actually not a bad plan, however before we even think of attempting to contact him we need to convince Misa to do this for us".

Everyone sighed before turning to Light, " Fine I'll call her" He groaned before getting up and leaving the room. " This should be an interesting day" I mumbled, a few seconds later Light came back in the room " She's on her way, but she wants to make some demands before she agrees to anything" " What kind of demands?" I asked confused " No clue, she said she'd tell us when she gets here". This was going to be interesting, I got up and made my way into the kitchen making everyone a cup of coffee, L some tea and bringing them out just in time as Misa walked through the door. " Misa you want anything to eat or drink before we get started?" I asked " No thanks, if it's alright with everyone I'd like to get my demands met". We all sat down and Misa stood in front of us, " Firstly I would like a heart felt apology from Light and Megami for treating me so terribly".

Light stood up first " Misa I'm so sorry for how I treated you, I had no right to act the way I did towards you and I hope you can forgive me" " You're forgiven". I stood up next " Misa I am truly sorry for everything I have put you through, I never meant any harm or disrespect towards you and I hope you can forgive me" " We'll see about that". I looked at her confused as I sat back down next to L, " My second demand is simple" she smiled " In fact, if you agree to it we could start now and be finished in an hour" " Okay, what's the demand?" I asked. Misa had a smirk on her face as she turned to face L " I want Ryuzaki to sleep with me". Everyone spit their coffee out as my eyes widened " Excuse me?" I asked horrified " You heard me, I want Ryuzaki in bed for one hour. I want him to do everything he usually does to you, to me" " You sick bitch" I spat at her before standing up " Why would you want that? What could you possibly gain from it?".

" You seem to love having my boyfriends attention so I want yours" " That's not happening" " Then I'm not helping you". " It's okay Meg, we'll find another way" Mr. Yagami spoke up " He leaves the country in three days, if we don't get him he's gone" Matsuda spoke up. " I'll do it" my chest tightened as I turned to L " What?" My voice broke " If its the only way we can get Misa to keep Kira in the country so we can arrest him, then I'll do it". " Ryuzaki, are you really saying to my face, that you are going to take her upstairs and touch her the way you touch me? That you're going to kiss her how you kiss me? That you're going to fuck her! The way you fuck me?!" " Yes". My eyes widened " If it helps us defeat Kira then I have no other choice".

I held my hand over my mouth, tears pricking my eyes " Meg-" L grabbed my shoulder but I pushed him away. "If you love me then you won't go through with this" I begged. " Meg if this is our only chance at catching Kira then I will take it. Besides it's only sex, why does it matter?". I looked at him in utter shock as he grabbed my face, " I won't be long" "Don't touch me, don't fucking touch me" I backed away " If you go upstairs with her then I don't want anything to do with you anymore. If you go with her then I'm done". I had tears slowly making their way down my cheeks as I stared at L, everyone else standing behind us as it all played out. " Meg it's meaningless sex, you know I wouldn't feel any joy or pleasure from it" " I don't care what you feel about it! I am telling you now Ryuzaki, if you have sex with her then I'm leaving you".

L sighed before resting his head against mine, he gave me a small kiss on the lips before standing back. " I love you Megami, I truly do. But Kira needs to be stopped and if this is my last opposition to do so then, I'm sorry". My heart shattered in my chest as I watched him take Misa's hand and bring her upstairs. I stared at the stairs in shock as I heard the door to our room close, the door to our room! Nobody said a word or even moved, until the morning started. I fell onto my knees in tears, trying my hardest not to let out a scream. " Megami" Mr. Megami mumbled, he touched my shoulder but I pushed him back " Leave me alone!" I yelled before running out of the room. I ran and ran until I was in the lobby, I dropped onto the floor and sobbed into the stair well as I felt my entire heart be crushed. That's two men she's taking away from me now, why did he agree to it?! Why did she want that?!

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