Chapter 42

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The weight of something firm and warm stretching across my back is the first thing I notice when I wake up. Next is the naked muscular chest that I'm resting my head on. I notice the rhythmic rise and fall as the owner of said chest peacefully sleeps underneath me. I feel his warmth ghosting over the top of my head as he breathes.

Memories of last night start flooding my mind. Chase surprised me with dinner, wine, and slow dancing at our special place. He took me back to the rooftop garden and told me he wanted to reclaim the memories of that place and turn any negative feelings I had of it into positive ones.

He succeeded. Any bad emotions I had about that place after the whole incident with Val had been replaced with only warm fuzzy feelings, thanks to Chase. He made me feel special and genuinely adored the way that only he can. The whole night was filled with my favorite things, pink roses, red wine, the best Thai food in New York, and of course, Chase.

I'll never forget the rush of emotion I felt when I read the engraving on my necklace. And it only got better when Chase told me how he felt about me. He said I was the most important thing in his life. That I'd turned his world upside down and made him a better man, he mentioned the future- our future- and his eyes lit up.

I don't know how I got so lucky to have this man come into my life, but no matter the reason, I'll be eternally grateful. He's shown me how to open up again, how to be vulnerable without hiding away from everyone. He finds a way every day to make me feel valued and worthy of all of the good in the world. With just one look, he can make my darkest days melt away.

It hasn't been easy getting to this point, but Chase held on. He fought for us when things were most dire. He never gave up hope. He never gave up on me. Hearing him say those three little words sparked something in me that I thought I'd never get back. His love gives me hope and strength.

Being with him has given me back my confidence. It's bringing back the old me- the one I never thought I'd see again. She knows her worth. She's not afraid to dream big or reach for the stars. She loves relentlessly without fear of falling because she knows even if she falls and no one is there to catch her, she's perfectly capable of picking herself up and continuing on.

Somehow, I'm not afraid of falling anymore. I feel in my bones that falling for Chase isn't going to leave me broken and bruised. He builds me up every day, and though I don't know what the future has in store for us, I know that no matter what happens, I'll be okay.

I let my fingers glide across the heart, resting on its chain around my neck. I haven't taken it off since Chase gave it to me. It's a symbol of his feelings for me, and I've never been given a gift I wanted more.

Trying not to disturb him, I slowly shift upward to meet my lips with his. "I love you."

He starts to stir beneath me. His eyes crack open, and a sleepy smile spreads across his face. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning." I return his smile.

As he sits up, the sheet covering us falls to his waist. I'm left staring at his chiseled torso. It should be illegal for a man to look this good.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks as he rubs the sleep from his eyes.

"So, amazing. This bed is so comfy. I don't want to ever leave it." I gush over the fluffy hotel bed and mountain of pillows that surround us.

That was another part of his surprise. Chase got us a room at a five-star hotel for the night, so we didn't have to be quiet or hold anything back like we would in the apartment. Needless to say, we had quite the eventful- and uninhibited night of fun. I lost count of my orgasms after number six. I'm proud to say, my man is a giver. And boy, did he give all night long.

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