my-log: fresh start

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LONG STORY SHORT, I TOOK THE JOB. There were just too many reasons for me to say yes. For one, I wouldn't have to pay rent or Geun's hospital bills anymore, and I'd be out of debt. Two, I can pursue my passion in fashion while getting paid well. And finally,

Geun would be absolutely thrilled to be in close connection with ENHYPEN.

Immediately the day after the meet and greet, some HYBE employees began to move my belongings out of my old apartment, and into my new dorm, which would be located at the headquarters.

It was a spacious, fully furnished condo on the 6th floor, with grand windows, a balcony, beautiful kitchen and bathrooms, two bedrooms, and a cozy living room. It reminded me of the Vista hotel lobby, which made me beyond happy.

The first thing I did was make sure if there was a fire alarm. Luckily, I had two.

Geun is still hospitalized. He woke up 5 hours after passing out, and his vitals were normal. Still, he won't be released for another few weeks, just to be safe.

The entire day, I was just thinking about if Geun was actually okay. Did he pass out from excitement? Maybe. The doctors said his condition was improving, but if that's true, why would he collapse so suddenly?

Hopefully I'll be able to provide for him more with this new job.

I begin to settle into my new home. I unpack my clothes, briefly decorate my room, set up my bathroom items, put away my kitchen supplies, and then rest on the living room couch.

Near the end of the afternoon, I meet with the main staff manager, whose name is Jeong, and discuss the rules and contract about becoming ENHYPEN's official makeup artist and staff. It was a pretty long and tiring process, so when I arrive back to my dorm from the conference room, I pass out in my bed still fully clothed.

It isn't until 7 p.m. that my doorbell rings, which startles me awake. I didn't even know I had a doorbell. I approach the door and, without looking through the peephole, decide to open it. I was stunned when I was greeted with a red head.

"Good evening, Miss Y/n...Did you just wake up??"

...Wait, is he allowed to be on the staff level? Where we live? Where I live??

I peek my head out a little into the hallway, nervous. He chuckles at me like he's aware that I'm a bit cautious, then allows himself in. "Don't worry, it's not bad for us to come on this level. There's cameras in the hall, but they trust us enough to not try anything with the staff." He winks mischievously, then brushes past me and lets himself inside.


I'm a bit behind when it comes to understanding situations that don't involve Geun's health, happiness, or Geun himself. So I'm mumbling "Eh?" by the time the man was already taking a tour of my new apartment.

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