Night Out (EDITED)

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6:30 pm

Seblia looked over her outfit in the bedroom mirror. The rhythmic sounds of Toto emitted from the radio down the hallway. She adjusted the collar of her black turtleneck sweater and tucked the bottom under her skirt waistband. She haphazardly pulled and shifted the fabric around in certain areas to be more comfortable.

"When was the last time I wore this?"

Leaving the years old dress sweater as is, she ran her fingers through her hair, adjusting how the bangs sat and curled around her ears. Licking her hands, she smoothed out the troublesome hairs on top. From the nightstand, her phone began to ring. She leaned over, seeing Hayley's name on screen. She answered it, propped the phone between her ear and shoulder and continued messing with her hair. "Hey, everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm just checking on you," explained Hayley, pausing briefly. "Are you still up for coming?"

Distracting herself from the actual question, Seblia adjusted her top again. "Of course I am. You need a spokesperson for your coffee at things like this, right?"

That earned at least a chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. They'll surely hear you over the music."

"Oh, trust me. I'll make sure they can hear me." Seblia assured, chuckling as she finished with her hair. She stepped over to her dresser, pulling a pair of white socks out. "Hey, would it be okay if I brought someone along as well?"

"Certainly, I'm sure Nick won't mind a +2. Who were you thinking of?"

"Katey Matterson, I think she came to your café once."

"Ohhhh, I think I remember her."

"Yeah, I mentioned you had given me an invitation. She was shocked I turned it down. We made plans to hang out with a movie, then... that happened." Seblia paused, feeling that pit in her gut open again. "B-but, I thought I'd invite her. She was really all for going."

"Of course, the more the merrier."

"Thanks, I'll give her a call and I'll see you later?" Seblia plopped down on the bed, sliding the socks on.

"Definitely. And Seb..."


"...remember to enjoy yourself, okay?"

Seblia stopped with the second sock just halfway up her leg.

"I will. I'll see you later."

They both hung up. Seblia looked ahead at her reflection staring back. She looked herself over one more time, drawing in a breath and exhaling it out. A small, yet content smile crossed her face. She scrolled through her contacts until she came to Katey's number. She clicked it and waited while it rang. She was ready the moment the other end picked up.

"Katey? Remember that rave I mentioned?"

7:06 pm

It was just before twilight when Harper pulled into her driveway. She brought the Corvette to a stop inches from the garage door, putting it in park.

"Here we are. Casa de Benson." she announced, pulling her keys out of the ignition. The CD she had been blasting cut out as she opened the driver door.

Victor stepped out of the passenger side. Poking his head out, he saw a small, one-floor house attached to the garage. It sat between two others just like it with a local laundromat not far away. A large fence and line of trees made up the backyards, separating the block from the neighborhood on the other side.

"Hey, Vic. Mind giving me a hand?"

He turned around, seeing Harper open the car trunk. Reaching in, she hoisted out one of two boxes packed with vinyl records. The sleeves shifted inside as she backed away. Victor retrieved the second one, which had fewer records inside. Harper propped her box against the car and slammed the trunk shut. Gathering her bearings, she fished out her keys and flipped through them. As she did, Victor noticed something in his peripheral. His attention went across the street and to the huge auditorium building on the other side. It took up a third of the lot it sat on with the rest being used for parking.

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