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THE NEXT DAY Y/n woke up and started getting ready for the day , after she got ready she headed downstairs to see her mother walking out the door and Maribel running up to her

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Y/n woke up and started getting ready for the day , after she got ready she headed downstairs to see her mother walking out the door and Maribel running up to her. "Y/n I need your help with something" Maribel says. "What do you need help with?" Y/n asks. "Um well- just follow me" Maribel says grabbing Y/n hand and running up the stairs to Maribel bedroom. "Um it seems serious since you dragged me to your room" Y/n says. "So you know my Tío Bruno" Maribel says looking at me. "Um yeah from my mother" Y/n says. "Well he kinda disappeared years ago and he had a vision that no one knows about and I need to find it" Maribel says."

"Mhm I see we'll have fun" Y/n says walking to the door. "Maribel listen I would love to help you but how are we going to find Bruno's vision?" Y/n says. "We have to go to Bruno's tower" Maribel says. Y/n froze for a moment. "Maribel isn't his room like dead and abandoned???" Y/n says and Maribel nods. "Well you see it's not totally dead or abandoned" Maribel says smiling. "Ugh fine since you are probably going to drag me into your Bruno's vision mission" Y/n says and dragging Y/n out the room with her and going to Bruno's room.

"Wow this door looks very dusty and old"Y/n says . Maribel opens the door and realize castia isn't going in. Y/n was too busy listening on the conversation with Maribel and Castia . Y/n looked down and saw that it was like 100 feet down , Y/n froze abit not wanting to fall but Maribel fell onto Y/n and they both fell but Y/n used her air bending to let them land safe . "Oh thank god I forgot I had powers for a sec" Y/n says sweat dropping. The look up and see the flight of stairs and Y/n deadpanned."

Maribel went to use the stairs but Y/n didn't want to walk the 100 flight of stairs and lose her breath so she grab Maribel and Y/n uses her airbending to fly up the tower. "Who knew that air bending could come in handy" Y/n says while she dropped Maribel on the ground. "Oof" Maribel says face planting on the ground. "Let's go Maribel before our families start to worry  and be on our asses the whole time" Y/n says and Maribel nodding."

They walk in and see like craved in stones that look ancient the sand on the ground the feeling of coldness and sand on your face . They see a big door and they open it to see a pile of sand. "No reason why Bruno abandoned his room" Y/n says."

Maribel looks at Y/n then looking at the pile of sand she sees glowing green shards , so she picks it up . Maribel then picked on up and she saw herself. Y/n was too busy airbending and wonder if she could sand bend so she did but making a complete mess on her clothes . Maribel was too busy to notice and she picked up the shards and see other ones she looked at it and saw Y/n with someone but couldn't see it clearly she hid the shards from Y/n but let her see the one with Maribel in it. When Maribel was getting the shards the place started to collapse.

"Maribel we have to go or else will die" Y/n says grabbing Maribel and Maribel grabbing the last shard in time. They started to run . "Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck my life oh my god no reason why I didn't do this type of shit" Y/n says cursing herself while running out of Bruno's tower and they made it safely and Y/n started to pray while Maribel was dusting the dust of her and Y/n she grabs Y/n hands while Y/n is still praying. Then they stop because they see Aubela . "Y/n my dear I've been looking for you and-" Aubela stops and sees sand in Y/n hair also Maribel. "What happened to your hair?!" Auebla says. "Oh I was having fun with sand and then this happened" Y/n says."

Maribel you lucky I had a back up lie because you are horrible at lying

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