Chapter 54- Final Game

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Having a concussion sucks balls

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Having a concussion sucks balls.

The first few days were the absolute worst. The doctors told me I couldn't do anything that required too much concentration because it could trigger my symptoms. That meant very limited TV, books, and friends, which was literally all my entertainment.

Then the days after that I was told to ease back into a regular routine. But every time I had a headache, I had to pull back from what was I doing. When I went back to school my teachers knew that I needed continuous breaks from lessons. It was an extremely frustrating process, but it did its job.

My friends insisted that one of them (if not all) were to be practically glued at my side during school days. I didn't really see the point since Jeremey was gone, but I didn't argue it. I didn't want to be alone anyway.

Things had calmed down at school with all the gossip that surrounded me and the article. Some people still thought it was me, some people believed that I was being framed, and some people thankfully moved on.

I still don't know who wrote the article, but I hadn't exactly had much free time to investigate. Declan had shared his suspicion of it being Brooke who did it, which made complete sense. But if I was going to have anyone confronted, I wanted to do it myself. So, I told my friends not to interfere for the time being. They very reluctantly agreed.

A week and a half went by and I could actually do normal things without worrying about a splitting headache coming after. Just in time for the championship game and prom at the end of the week.

Natalie was nominated as prom queen along with Brooke and Lillian. Declan, Adam, and Duncan were nominated for prom king.

Declan dropped me off to physics class where I sat with my chin in my hand and waited for class to start.

Duncan came in and sat in his usual chair beside me. We hadn't spoken a single word to each other since I had been back. It was just this awkward strain of not knowing how he felt about his best friend being shipped to another country. It could have also just been the fact that Duncan never really talks to me anyway.

Then he takes me by surprise when he throws a bag on my desk. It was a small paper pouch with the pink and orange letters of the donut shop I would tease him about.

"You got me... a donut?" I asked him suspiciously.

"He was an asshole," Duncan shrugged. "And I'm not really good with words so," He motioned to the donut on my desk.

This Duncan donut was his form of apology. I tried to suppress the smile on my face and failed miserably. It was cute that thought he needed to apologize for someone else's actions.

"Don't get all mushy about it, it's not a big deal," He practically growled. I could tell this exchange was now either making him embarrassed or uncomfortable, either way, I was relishing in this moment forever.

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