||3|| Frenemies

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I'd managed to avoid more uncomfortable encounters, keeping my head down and silent. I had last period with Zoe and it looked like this morning's tension had completely been forgotten.

That was one of the things that separates us more: she was soft and delicate, all bubbly and pretty while I usually couldn't deal with that kind of cheesiness.

Zoe arrived in the classroom after me, and she smiled shyly, coming to sit by my side. Harper was in this class as well, and this time she did spot me. I felt my chest bristling at her stare as she settled in the front row, not even bothering to be subtle. I narrowed my eyes at her and she smiled, but there was nothing nice in that grin. It made me think of icebergs and grenades, not at all like the memories of sleepovers and ice-cream afternoons we'd shared.

But then again, she ditched me like the past ten years meant nothing and now was dating Seb.

Just before the teacher made it here Blake arrived as well, talking with a guy from the school's softball team. Our eyes met briefly, but after our interaction earlier I had absolutely no desire to ever talk with him again.

I turned towards Zoe, making more of this hesitant small talk and this time she went along smoothly until the teacher demanded everyone's attention.

It was a long excruciating hour. Not only because Social Studies was the dullest, but also because Harper's presence was unnerving and I couldn't stop feeling the burning of Blake's gaze on my nape every now and then. Maybe I was just being paranoid? Probably. Yet the feeling was there and it made me squirm in my seat, but I was set on not to even glance that way.

I couldn't be more glad when the day finally came to an end.

Zoe was on her feet quick, saying something about a conservatory and sending me one last smile my way. It was encouraging. Like maybe we would hit it off this year. Or at least make each other company.

I really miss having girl friends. Or just friends in general. People to hang out with and to tell my things.

Aaron listens, and he's the only one that had seen me cry since Danneel, but we weren't friends. Not really. Maybe if I lowered my walls with Zoe we can somehow feel less lonely.

"Carrie." I was repulsed at the sudden arm linked with mine as Harper fell into step with me exiting the classroom. Her ashy blond hair was pulled back with a nice headband and she had chosen a pretty black strapless blouse for the no-uniform day, matched with a nice skirt that showed off her long tan legs.

Harper's never been as likable as Lena, nor as smart as Danneel, but she was pretty. Like, doll-pretty. Her skin had been flawless ever since she learned how to use makeup and her workout with the cheer squad allowed her genetically petite bone structure to be slender but curvy enough to be on the top of the hot-list.

Her and Lena used to steal all the attention, all the time, and I'd been jealous at times but never actually mind then until she apparently became interested in Seb. How long had she liked him? How much had she really valued our friendship when she was so quick in picking Lena's side? When she dated my ex?

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