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"Should I talk to him?" I sighed, getting up to go talk to the little boy.

Jason sighed and pulled me back down. He snaked his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. "He's fine. He's a big boy."

"No, he's not. He's a little kid who grew up too fast and still needs help to understand adult stuff." I pull free of his grip and walk to the door.

Jason groans and lays back down. I roll my eyes, since he doesn't always see the purpose of talking to children and explaining why things are the way they are. I hope he changes before our kids. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me?

"You alright?" Jason asked.

I realized I stopped after I reached the door. Turning back. "Yeah, I'm fine, just lost in thought. Sorry."

"What were you thinking about?" Jason asked.

I felt my face heat up before slipping out the door. "Nothing."

I could hear Jason laughing as I walking off. Stopping in front of Damian's door I knocked. When he didn't answer, I knocked again. "Damian. I just wanna talk."

"I'm willing to just talk through the door, so either you listen to me yell at you through the door, or we have a reasonable conversation in your room." I knock softly again. Waiting a couple seconds to give him time. "Damian, I just wanted to say-"

Damian rips open the door, his eyes almost red in anger. If looks could kill. His nose was crinkled in disgust and annoyance.

I followed him inside, not taking the risk of sitting down anywhere. "Damian, I just wanna explain further of why you can talk to people that. And apologize for my reaction."

"I'm not a child! You need to explain concepts to me like a little, incoherent infant!" He snaps.

"You are a child." I reason calmly, trying not to hold his grudge against him. "And you aren't used to our concepts of life."

Damian scoffed and rolled his eyes. Even though he wasn't even looking in my direction I could tell he was listening.

Taking a deep breathe in I tried to plan my words. "Alfred isn't below you. I know you're used to social classes and all servants being below you, but Alfred isn't your servant. He's a butler that for some reason chooses to put up with you guys. He choose his position and should be treated fairly. No one is above you and you aren't above people. Everyone should be treated with respect no matter their job, race, education, heritage, religion or sexuality. We're all humans and no one stands above us. Plus, me and Alfred aren't that different. If anything, I'm below him." I laugh slightly, trying to read the room. Damian's anger has slipped away but he was still being closed off.

Damian looked at me through the corner of his eyes. "What do you mean by that."

"We both took a job serving a rich family, such as the Wayne's. But he is more educated and hasn't committed a bunch of felonies and broken a bunch of laws. Alfred is very kind and caring and a great person. And if I'm being completely honest, he reminds me of my mom. Both super caring and willing to put people in their place but protect the people they care for. My mom wasn't some great assassin or some billionaire. She was just my mom, she worked a candy store but she deserved respect and never to be treated poorly. And so does Alfred." He was like the grandfather I always wanted. Deciding I've explain as much as I could to Damian, I started to leave. "Look, I'm not asking you to be on a first name basis with him, just treat him with more respect. That's all my asking."

I sigh and close the door behind me. Heading back to Jason room, I open the door and lay next to him. Jason laughed. "Had a nice talk?"

"Why are kids so exhausting." I groaned into the pillow.

"Because they are all brats." Jason laughed, looking over his book. "But you'll be a great mom."

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes. Damian was enough to keep my hands full for the rest of my life, plus he would probably get jealous. "What are you reading?"

"The book you got me for Christmas. I've read this one three times already, but I have no idea what you mean in this annotation." Jason laughed, shaking his head.

"Read it." I flip over.

"It's the scene where they are fighting on a dam and you wrote, 'now I want cheeseburgers.'"

I started laughing, this was the beginning of me getting so tired I don't even remember so I'm surprised that this is the only thing he was confused on. "Like, the dam food bar? Same dam cheeseburgers and dam fries."

Jason stared at me, contemplating his life choices that lead him up to this moment. Watching a girl laugh her ass off at a bad annotation that she wrote half asleep. He rolled his eyes and leaned over to his my forehead. "Oh, Doll."

I laughed harder and pulled his arm around me. "Have you read the other two books? I hope you liked them."

"Yeah, I've actually been meaning to get one of them, so thanks." Jason looked down at me and smiled.

"Really? Which one?" I asked, excited that I got him a good gift. 

"This one." Jason reaches over to grab another book from his nightstand.

"I don't think I've read it." I squint at the name trying to make it out.

"It's Persuasion by Jane Austen. It reminds me of Pride and Prejudice." Jason smiled.

"You should read it to me." I ask softly. Not knowing if he wants to.

"Which one? Pride and Prejudice or Persuasion?" Jason asked, sitting up. He was a lot more excited than I though he would be.

"Which ever you want to read." I shrug, sitting up at well since my human pillow had moved.

"Pride and Prejudice it is, Doll." Jason got out of bed and went to his bookshelf that was basically overflowing with books, there was a couple books stacked horizontally on top of short books.

"You need a new bookshelf." I laugh slightly.

Jason looked back after squatting to the bottom self. "Maybe, but these are all my books I got when I lived here."

"Why don't you take them to wherever you live?" I asked. "Wait. Where do you live?"

"I'll take you there tomorrow, I guess." Jason shrugged and climbed back in bed. He let me get comfortable then opened the book where I could see highlighted and writing all throughout the book. His handwriting was a lot better than mine.

I feel asleep listening to him read the book, my mind, thankfully, being taken away from Damian. As much as I loved the little kid, it was a bit frustrating sometimes. But it wasn't his fault, he just needs more talks like today. Assuming, I got through to him.



Have a happy super bowl and Valentine's Day if I don't update until then.

Pieces Angels and Stay Safe! <3

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