Part 13: Let me be me !

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I've just started
To breathe
So let me be
I can't take a
Not when I've
Got so much happening
In my life

I've just started flying
I want to soar into
Greater heights
Please don't try to
Tie me down
Cause it would
Just end in
Shedding tears
And shattered

I'm sorry
I can't sacrifice
The space I've gained
I have to put myself first
Right now
To know what I want
In life

How can I offer
You something
When I'm not
Ready for what you want
I've got no place
To incorporate you
Right now

So please don't
Ask me any further
I can't be what you want
I have to figure it out
And I don't think
You can help me heal
Cause it's my work
To do not yours

I'm not who
You've created
In your mind
Take off the
Rose colored glasses
Look into my eyes
And tell me
Would you still
Love me
When all goes down
Cause I can't deal
With another

Cause my heart
Is too fragile
To bear another
So just let me be
Let me find myself
And trust me
What you're destined
Will come right
Back to you
You don't have to run
Behind it
So leave me behind
Let me make my
Own paths

Someone's waiting
For you somewhere
Don't be stuck up
On this girl
Who doesn't have
herself sorted
But I'll find my way
And I want you to
Go find yours

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